Chapter 12

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It was now nightfall and Gimli was putting on chain mail. 

"If we had time, I would get this adjusted," he said as he got the shirt on and realized that it was way too long. 

"It's a little tight across the chest," he added and we nodded in agreement, not going to say anything. Suddenly, a horn sounded. I panicked for a moment until I realized that it wasn't an orc horn. 

"That is no orc horn," Legolas proclaimed. It was Haldir and an army of archers. 

"I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between Elves and men. Long ago we fought and died together. We come to honor that allegiance." I ran to Haldir and embraced him in a hug. 

"You don't know how happy I am to see you," I whispered in Elvish. He patted my arm before we broke apart and Haldir said, 

"We're proud to fight alongside men once more." 


I stood beside Gimli and Legolas, awaiting the orc army. 

"You could have picked a better spot," grumbled Gimli who was not tall enough to see over the wall. Suddenly, the sky went bright, revealing a sea of Uruk-hai coming towards us. I looked over at Legolas whose eyes were wide in fright. He looked over and caught me staring at him. 

"Are you scared?" he asked me. 

"To die? No. I'm afraid that I'll go down without a fight." Legolas looked thoughtful for a moment before speaking. 

"Sing something since this might be your last chance." Without any hesitation, I began singing. 

What a shame 

We all became such fragile, broken things  

A memory remains just a tiny spark  

I give it all my oxygen  

So let the flames begin  

So let the flames begin  

Oh glory, oh glory  

This is how we'll dance when  

When they try to take us down  

This is what will be, oh glory  

Somewhere weakness is our strength  

And I'll die searching for it I can't let myself regret, such selfishness  

My pain and all the trouble caused  

No matter how long I believe that there's hope  

Buried beneath it all and  

Hiding beneath it all and  

Growing beneath it all and  

This is how we'll dance when  

When they try to take us down  

This is how we'll sing, oh  

This is how we'll stand when  

When they burn our houses down  

This is what will be, oh glory  

Reaching as I sink down into light  

Reaching as I sink down into light  

This is how we'll dance when  

When they try to take us down  

This is how we'll sing, oh  

This is how we'll stand when  

When they burn our houses down  

✓ Wizard's Apprentice - Legolas Fanfiction - wαttч αwαrds 2013! [original draft]Where stories live. Discover now