Chapter 11

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We began walking again the next day. Everything was peaceful and quiet until Gamling yelled, "Wargs!"  

The warg threw Hama away and Gamling began to fight it in his place. Legolas aimed his bow at the warg, shooting it down. Then Legolas pulled out a knife and slit the warg's throat. 

"Legolas, that was uncalled for," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. He looked at me, a little startled. 

"It was a scout. I had to make sure that it was dead." I walked over to the warg and moved its head with my toe. 

"It was already dead before you slit its throat." Legolas gave an exasperated sigh. 

"Look, we don't have time for this. C'mon, we are going to shoot at them," he said, dragging me on top of a ridge. We began firing and hitting our mark every time, which was quite surprising. Luck must be on our side. As the wargs got closer, Legolas hopped onto Arod with Gimli and I climbed onto Baralin, my horse. I sped in the direction of a warg, shooting an arrow at it. The warg and its rider fell but so did I. Something had pulled me off of Baralin. An orc looked at me with beady eyes, ready to strike me with its spear. I reached out my hand and burnt the orc to ashes. I looked at my hand, pretty proud of myself. I climbed back on Baralin and rode around, shooting flames at unsuspecting orcs and wargs. After a while, I looked over just in time to see Aragorn tumble off the edge of the cliff. I rode after him until I came to the edge. I looked down and saw him hit the water. I took a deep breath and jumped in after him, diving through the water not so gracefully. I soon found Aragorn at the bottom of the river and I wrapped my arm around his waist, making a slow journey to the shore. 


Legolas's P.O.V. 

I looked around and I couldn't see Aragorn or Arietta. 

"Aragorn! Arietta!" I called out. No reply. Gimli and Théoden came up beside me and we walked towards the drop off. We looked down and saw nothing. Suddenly we heard an orc laughing beside us. 

"Tell me what happened and I will ease your passing," Gimli said threateningly. 

"He's dead. Took a little tumble off of the cliff. Stupid girl jumped in after him." Before the orc saw it coming, I grabbed him by his shirt. 

"You lie," I said angrily. All the orc did was laugh in reply before dying. I threw him to the ground roughly and then something caught my eye. I picked it up and realized that it was the Evenstar pendant. I quickly joined Théoden at the drop off again and a few seconds later, Gimli joined us. He placed something in my hands, wordlessly. I looked down at my hand and saw Arietta's Fire Agate ring. She couldn't be dead, she just couldn't. 

"Get the wounded on horses. The wolves of Isengard will return. Leave the dead," Théoden said and I looked at him with perplexed anger. Théoden put a hand on my shoulder. 


Arietta's P.O.V. 

I placed my hand on Aragorn's chest and slowly moved it up to his mouth. His mouth opened and I withdrew the water. A few minutes later, Aragorn gasped and sat up. He looked at me with a surprised expression. 

"Are you real?" he asked before touching my cheek. It confirmed that I was. 

"How did you get here?" 

"I jumped in after you. Do you have any other that I need to heal?" Aragorn moved around then shook his head. 

"Good. Legolas and Gimli are probably missing us," I said. I whistled and Aragorn's horse, Brego, and Baralin came towards us. I helped Aragorn onto Brego then I got on to Baralin. We rode as quickly as we could to Helm's Deep. 

✓ Wizard's Apprentice - Legolas Fanfiction - wαttч αwαrds 2013! [original draft]Where stories live. Discover now