516 26 1

- 20 April 2016.

I have fallen in love with you

The purest of ways

Of all possibilities true

Earned in ernest;

I want to turn you on

Not sexually, but

By stimulating the little cells

That make up your brain;

Tickle your identity

Make up this strange diary

As we question everything

All present in being

Existence does not hinder

What our minds confer,

Because when we converse

Thus obeys the universe.

My wisdom has found yours

A search for years fruitless

Has finally washed ashore

And the love we harbor

For each other is as real

As things we cannot feel;

Your senses are not

The limits to your thought

The flash of familiarity

With ticks of sexuality

That fleets in the air

That tells me you were there.

I am drawn to you,

To the exquisiteness

Of a miraculous déjà vu

One so flawless

It could not have been true,

I have discovered you.


Amongst all my life's

Endless epiphanies,

Never have I

Loved one

Such as



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