- October 31st, 2015.
Tonight, darling, it's Hallowe'en
Come creatures, shapeless and mean
Tales of ghosts of those long gone
Memories by those we bemoan
Tonight, darling is All Hallows' Eve
Of people lost, dead, and bereaved
Of those we once thought we hold dear
In violent nights of love and fear
Tonight, darling, we'll take a flight
Somewhere far and deep inside
For just one forbidden peek
Into that smile which we seek
Tonight, darling, stars won't shine
Not the small, not the divine
We'll pull the curtains on their show
Their time has come to take a bow
Tonight, darling, we will fly
Let me take you through the sky
Past the planets and the moons
Watch as love falls in our boons
Tonight, darling, is All Hallows' Eve
I know these you don't believe
But one promise will ring true:
Since we're lost, they'll look for you.
Tonight, darling, it's Hallowe'en
Midnight waits with her small grin
Steal your beauty, I can't deny
Oh, how I really love this eye.
Aspira: Buku Catatan Dahaga
Şiir- 8 Juni 2016. Akronimia: Semua yang tertulis dalam cerita ini Pernah terbengkalai, terabaikan, atau ditulis tanpa Inti yang jelas. Suatu hari, terbersit Rasa ingin mengumpulkan Apa yang ada menjadi satu : Badan yang utuh. Mungkin sekadar Untuk mema...