Chapter 11

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Tom's POV

Bill comes storming in the bus mad as a mother fucker. He throws the girls clothes at her and tells her to get off the bus.

"What the fuck was you thinking Tom?! How could you actually do this to Baylee? She loved you."

I just stare at Bill. I look away from him.

"Oh and by the way she's pregnant and she's leaving you and the house."

He walks off the bus making sure to slam the door. If he slammed it even harder he'd probably would've broken the door. She's pregnant?! I grab my phone and dial her number. It goes to voice mail after a few rings.

"Hey this is Baylee. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can." "Baylee its me. Please call me I'm sorry I didn't mean to. Please don't leave let's talk about this. Bill told me you said you was pregnant. Please answer me. I love you."

I hang up and sigh. I put my head in my hands and hope she doesn't really leave.

Baylee's POV

I pack everything of mine in all of my bags and call my newly founded best friend. He answers almost instantly.

"Baylee? Sounds like you're crying. Is everything ok?" "No."

I start bawling again.

"He cheated on me Vic." "Did he really? How could he do that to you. You don't deserve it. Please tell me you left him." "I'm packing my stuff now. Can I come stay with you guys for a while?" "Of course. I'll come get you from the airport my self." "Thanks. You're the bestest best friend ever. Love you." "Love you too. I'll see you soon."

I hang up. I call a cab. I then call Bill.

"Hello?" "Hey Bill it's me." "Baylee thank god you called. Are you ok?" "I'm fine. I'm leaving though." "Are you sure you really want to do this? Leave and everything? You should talk to Tom about the baby." "I'm leaving Bill. Like leaving the country. I don't want you guys watching for me or anything. I won't have this cell phone for much longer. Please don't look for me. I'll miss you guys." "Baylee please don't leave us like this." "I'm sorry Bill. I'll always love you guys. Good bye."

I hang up. As if on cue the cab arrives. The driver gets out and helps me load my stuff into the trunk.

"Where to miss?" "Can you take me to the airport please?" "Of course. It will just take a moment." "That's fine."

About 30 minutes later we arrive at the airport. I thank the driver and give him a tip. I buy my ticket and am thankful that the plan is boarding now. I text Vic and let him know I'm on the plane. I grab my head phones, plug them in and get comfortable in my seat. On my way to a new future for the baby and I.

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