Chapter 18

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Baylee's POV

Kinley and I are currently sitting on the plane on our way to Germany. I look down at Kinley.

"Are you excited to see grandma and grandpa?" "Yes! When do I get to see my dad?" "Well Uncle Adam is currently working on getting mommy his number so I can meet up with him first. As soon as I do that then you can." "That's gonna be forever though momma." "It seems like it doesn't it?"

She shrugs her shoulders and turns away from. The pilot comes over head.

"Hello passengers this is your pilot speaking. We'll be landing in 20 minutes. Make sure to grab all of your belongings that are on and off of the plane. Thank you once again for flying with Air Berlin. Have a wonderful holidays."

He cuts off. About 20 minutes later, like the pilot says, we land. Kinley and I grab our stuff and catch a taxi to my parents house. Kinley's basically tears down the door looking for her papal.

"Where's my baby girl at?"

My dad says walking in the front room.


Kinley yells while running at him. He picks her up and spins her. I smile just watching the two. They make each other extremely happy. I hear the familiar ring tone of Adam.

"I'll be right back dad."" Ok sweetheart. We'll be looking for your mom in the garden."

I smile and walk up stairs, into the bathroom and shut the door.

"Hello?" "Baylee! I found it! It took a few hours, but I finally tracked it down. Are you sure about this?" "100% Adam. I need to do this. Kinley wants to see him again."

He gives me the number and I thank him again. I take a deep breath and dial it. After a few rings Tom answers the phone.

"Hello? Who's this? I don't know this number." "Hey Tom. It's me. Baylee. I'm in my home town here in Germany. I was wondering if we could meet up somewheres. I need to talk to you." "Of course. Wanna meet at the Starbucks by the the post office?" "Yea that's fine. I'll se you then. Bye Tom." "Bye Baylee."

I hang up my phone and fix my appearance quickly changing into a nicer outfit. What am I going to say to this man. I miss him so much. Baylee stop thinking like this don't you remember what he did to you? I mentally slap my self.  A few minutes later I finally arrive at the Starbucks. I open the doors searching for his face but I don't see it. I sigh to my self and order my usual. I find a kinda of secluded seat at the back and sit down texting Tom.

B- Hey I'm here. Kinda in the back hiding so now one can really see us. Just come back and sit when you get here.
T- Hey! Yea that's fine I'm actually almost there.

I set my phone down and sip at my drink. A few minutes later I see Tom walk in through the doors. I take a deep breath and let it go. He orders something then walks in my direction. I smile and wave.

"I found you!"

I smile and let out a small chuckle.

"So how has she been since I've seen you guys?" "Happy actually. She's been asking about us a lot lately. What we used to be before she was born."

I look down at my cup of coffee trying to avoid his beautiful brown eyes.

"And how have you been?" "It doesn't matter really does it?"

I look straight up at him.

"All that matters to me that Kinley is happy and she is." "You're right, but you can't keep pushing your happiness away Baylee. You deserve happiness too."

He gives me a small smile. I kinda of shrug it off and gaze over at the window.

"Wow. It's starting to snow more. I don't think I'm used to it yet." "Yeah. We're supposed to get a lot soon. Good thing you came when you did."

He smiles. We talk for a little while longer about how the boys are and a few other music related things.

"I should really be getting back to my parents. They're probably worried by now. " "Ok. Let me walk you to your car then. So I know you made it. " "Actually I walked here." "Don't they live a little ways away?" "Yeah. I needed to walk though. Needed to think about things. It gave me the time." "Well let me give you a ride then. Don't want you walking all that way in this snow." "Sure. That would be nice."

He smiles at me once more. I collect my things and we head out to his car. I realize I forgot to bring a jacket. As if on cue Tom looks at me.

"Do you have a jacket? It looks pretty cold out there." "No. I forgot it. Didn't think t would snow like this." "Well here wear mine." "Are you sure? What are you gonna wear?" "I'll be fine. Just take the coat Baylee." "Thank you."

I slip it on and snuggle into it. I miss the way he smells. I smile internally to myself. We reach his car and hope in.

"It's actually snowed a lot in the little time we was together. Are you sure you don't want to stay with me until this clears later?"

I think to myself. Do I really want to do this? I take a deep breath and tell my self over and over again it's just for my safety.

"I guess that will be fine. I just need to all my parents." "Alright. "

He smiles again. Why is he so smiley today? I shake it off and dial my moms number.

"Hello sweetie  is everything ok?" "Yeah mom I'm fine. It's just that I walked here and Tom was gonna drive me home, but it's snowed pretty bad. We don't want to risk getting an injury driving up your hill so I'm going to stay with him till it clears." "That's fine sweetheart. Just be safe." " I'll  be home as soon as it clears though. I promise. Give Kinley bunches of love for me."

We say our goodbyes. I look at Tom and smile. He smiles at me and drives away.

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