Chapter 20

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(Skip one day)

Baylee's POV

I wake up tangled in arms and legs of someone else. I open my eyes slightly just enough to see who's right beside me. I see Tom. Sleeping peacefully right beside me on the floor of his front room. I smile to my self. I start tracing his jaw line to wake him up. Soon enough he does.

"Good morning sleepy head."

I smile at him. He opens one eye and looks down at me.

"Good morning."

He says in a low sexy voice. I smile to myself.

"Can you let me up? I need to use the rest room and find some clothes." "Oh yeah sorry. My room is the door diagonal from the bathroom. You can grab something form in there if you want." "Thank you."

I basically run up the stairs and to his room. I grab a random T-shirt and a pair of sweat pants. I hop in the shower real quick rinsing my self of anything dirty. Cough cough, refreshing my self from last night. I smile at the thought. Thinking of which. What does this make Tom and I? I quickly finish my shower, get dressed and head downstairs.

"Tom? Where are you?" "In the kitchen looking for something to eat."

I walk in and he's standing there in nothing but a pair of lose hanging sweat pants. Come on Tom. Wasn't last night enough for you? Now you have to tease me too? I shake my head and walk over to a bar stool and sit. He offers me a cup of tea which I gladly accept. I take a sip letting the kind of hot but not to hot, liquid poor down my throat.

"I have a question." "I probably have an answer. What is it?" "What does this make us?" "What do you mean?" "Last night. All night. Everything we did. What does it make us?" "Honestly I don't know. All I know is I never want to lose you again. So I wanna make you mine. Will you be my girlfriend again Baylee?" "Of course."

I smile as he walks up to me and kisses me again. Ever since I've been here with Tom, I've been smiling a lot more. I consider that a good thing.

"Kinley is going to be so happy." "I miss her."

Tom says as he looks at me.

"Did you look outside while I was upstairs?" "No but I can now."

He sets his cup down and walks to the front door looking outside.

"It snowed a lot. Looks like they have been plowing the roads though. If we take my truck I can take you back to your parents house. Maybe I could see Kinley too?" "Of course! Just let me call my parent and get my shoes on. Do you mind if I wear your jacket again?" "Of course not babe. Let me get you a heavier one since it got a little colder out." "Thanks."

I blush a little at him calling me babe. I'm glad I made the decision again. I'm ready to be happy. I deserve happiness too. I grab my phone and call my mom.

"Mom! Hey hope it isn't to early. Is Kinley awake?" "Not yet, but she should be soon. Why darling?" "Well Tom and I was gonna come back and spend some time with everyone. I want you to hear this from me mom. Tom and I are back together."

I hear my mom squeal on the other end of the line.

"About damn time! I was wondering when it was gonna happen."

She laughs.

"I'm just kidding baby. Congratulations." "Thanks mom. Don't tell Kinley yet though." "Promise I won't." "Thanks again. We'll be home soon. Love you. Bye."

I hang up and slip my vans on with Tom's jacket he handed me.

"Alright mom knows and she's probably gonna tell dad. Said she wouldn't tell Kinley though. She was gonna save that for us." "Good. I've always loved your mom." "When are you gonna tell Bill and them?" "As soon as we can see them. You said you missed them right?" "Yeah." "Well they should be home 2 days after Christmas." "I can't wait to see them!"

I squeal with happiness. Tom just smiles. We hop in his truck, pulling out of the drive way and headed towards my parents house.

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