Chapter 17

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SURPRISE!!!!!!!! New chapter early! ;)

I just wanted to say a few things before you guys read this chapter.

I know it's really early to be posting this chapter, but I need to address a few things and I didn't fell like creating a authors note for it. The last chapter, this chapter and probably the next one or two chapters might not be that interesting. I'm creating stuff so I can build off of it. I promise I have exciting things planed though.

If you have any ideas and you wouldn't mind me using them for this story please message me and let me know! I've been having a little bit of trouble lately coming up with stuff. Anything would be greatly appreciated!

Enjoy the story!


(The outfits Kinley and Baylee are wearing for this chapter are pictured above)

Skip one week and one day.

November 29, 2030

Baylee's POV

It's the day after the fashion show. Kinley and I are currently sitting at our apartment just chilling. Kinley looks at me.

"Momma. I have a question." "What is it baby girl?" "I know the last time I saw my dad it didn't go very well and I was very upset and angry. But he is my dad right?" "I promise that was him." "Well I wanna see him again. Do you think we could do that?" "Well...."

I think to my self and almost decide instantly on what to do.

"He lives half way across the world sweet heart in Germany. We're here in L.A. Do you really wanna travel that far to see him?" "Of course! We do it all the time to see grandma and Grandpa." "Ok then it's decided. Well go see him. But first mommy needs to talk to him. You better get to packing your clothes."

She squeals and runs off up stairs. I smile to my self. I get up and call my mom.

"Hey momma are you and dad busy?" "Of course not sweet heart. What did you need?" "Well Kinley and I are coming over for the holidays. Is it ok if we stay with you for a while?" "Now what kind of question is that Baylee? Of course you guys can stay here!" "Another thing is mom, Kinley finally got to meet Tom a few weeks ago. He was on tour over here. Kinley and I went to see Vic and the guys. She wants to see him again and that's one of the reasons were coming over. Not the main one, but still a reason." "That's fine. You're a grown woman Baylee. You don't have to explain your self to me or anyone." "Thanks momma. I love you. We'll be there sometime tomorrow." " See you guys then."

I walk up stairs and start packing my bags. Now just to think of how to get ahold of Tom. As I'm packing my bags I get a call from one of my long time frienda, who just so happens to work for the FBI.

"Hello?" "Baylee!" "Yes Adam?" "Your mom just told me you an Kinley and coming over for the holidays!" " I can't wait to see you. I miss you. Hey speaking of which can you do me a favor? It's kinda important." "Anything for you. What is it?"

I explain to him everything that has happened since the day Kinley met Tom.

"I need you to track down his number for me. I need it." "Well I'm not supposed to........but I'll do it for you." "You're the best Adam!" "I know."

We start laughing. He says he'll text me the number once he finds it. I hang up and continue packing my bags.

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