Stitches to My Past

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My heart dropped. There was no way. Normani was my best friend. Zendaya had to be joking.

" You are lying," I whispered. Carefully, she wiped her tears.

" No,Dinah, I am not," She sobbed." I can explain."

" Mani let you fuck her," I said with venom on my tongue. Shaking her head, Zendaya's eyes searched the floor.

" No." was all she said. Something in her snapped at that moment." Normani doesn't know we fucked because I left before she woke up. We only had one drink. Mani sipped from mine. You know damn fucking right I don't get that wasted."

Speechless, I just sat there. My emotions were mixed. Felt so betrayed yet I knew they didn't mean it. It was in the past. I promised to look behind it. No matter who it was.

" Fuck it," I mumbled. I stomped my way out . Zendaya called for me in the back. Luckily, I already paid for the dinner.

Normani was turning 24, so we went out to a club to celebrate. Mani was in Los Angeles, so we celebrated it together with a couple of her friends. It was so exciting to see her after so long.

" Normani!" I raced into her arms. She looked beautiful in her tight black dress. She hugged me so tightly.

" I missed you," she says to me not letting me go. Once she saw Zendaya, she went into her arms too.

" Happy Birthday, Mani," she said to her with a smile.

It was around 11 o'clock at night. Tomorrow I had a photo shoot in the early morning. I didn't want Zendaya to leave her friends for me.

" Baby," I said as I sat next to her at the bar.

" Yes,Dinah," she smiled at me. The bartender ,who just took her order, was checking out my girl. He was young. Maybe 24 at the most. His eye fuck to my babygirl was pissing me off.

" I have to go, but Normani said she'll keep an eye out for-"

" I can watch myself," she pouted. I kissed her lip, biting the bottom. My hands roamed her body before I pulled away.

" Yeah but someone needs to watch these nasty ass fuckboys," I said against her lips. A smile crept on her face.

" But It is her birthday. Let her relax."

The guy brought back her drink. He sent me a weak smile. Practically, hissed st him the second he came near.

The club was down the street from our restaurant. I didn't care about the people around me. I just cared about the fucking asshole who took advantage of my best friends.

" Move it!" I shouted,shoving the people in my way. The club wasn't really full,so I easily made my way to the little fuckboy.

" Dinah! Fucking stop!" Zendaya yelled at me. She attempted to grab me but failed. The boy was talking to some girl at the counter. The minute he saw me, there was a gulp.

" You fucking asshole. I should fucking beat your ass," I growled at him. The girl got up,giving me a bitch face.

" What the fuck?" she rolled her eyes.

" Shut the fuck up you prissy ass bitch go suck someone else's dick. This motherfucker probably probably already slipped something in your drink," I spat at her then glanced at him. " That right, Dick face? You drugged my fucking girlfriend to fuck her? Too bad my best friend came and snatched her pussy."

He immediately took the drink in front of me to pour it in the sink close by. He was a dear in headlights. I was going to fucking punch him till Zendaya grabbed me.

" Dinah, how do you know it was him?" she asked me.

" Before I left you, he was looking at you like a fucking prey. I know I shouldn't have left because boys like him are alive!" I pointed to the piece of shit. She cupped my cheek.

" It is in the past. Be grateful I am okay and I am not pregnant. Most importantly Mani doesn't know."

" Normani should know she slept with you and not a stranger. You left her."

" I put her clothes back on and dropped her off home" she giggled." I didn't want someone else taking her."

Zendaya guided me out the club. It was giving me a bad aura. I was grateful I had Zendaya. Not only did she take care of me but my friends also.

" Wait,Z" I said once we made it outside. Zendaya looked back at me. I pulled her aside from the incoming clubbers.

" What?"

Taking her left hand, I slipped the ring on her finger. Tears forming, she smashed her lips onto mine. Her hands traced my body as we kissed in the street. We only stopped because my phone was ringing/

" Hello?" I said into the phone. Zendaya wrapped her arms around my waist as we walked down the street to the car.

" Dinah," Ally's voice shook." Lauren and Camila are in the hospital. Please come down to Methodist."

" What happened?" I asked her. Zendaya looked up at me, hearing every word.

" Car accident in the intersection," she answered please come down.

" Car accident in the intersection," she answered please come down

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Having to go to the Emergency Room was not the way I planned my night. Troy said he would be here so I wouldn't be here all by myself.

" Ally!" a little voice called me. Isabella was with another woman. I let the child be carried in my arms.

" I work at the daycare" the woman said." I was waiting for Mrs Jauregui but you-know."

" Yeah, I can watch her," I told her. Isabella tucked her head in the crook of my neck. The woman didn't say anything but nod her head then left.

" Mommy and Mama are extremely hurt she said," Izzy whispered.

" Yeah, preciosa , but they'll be okay," I informed the child. I let her sit on my lap as we waited for some news. My hand rubbed played with her curls.

" I haven't eaten, Ally," she told me as her hands rubbed her stomach.

" The food court is close. So when Troy gets here, we can eat," I told her. Camila and Lauren were in horrible condition. Lauren was worst, but both were hit really hard. They probably won't wake up till next week.

N/A: For a new fanfic would you want it to be Ally,Normani, or Dinah. I feel like there's a lot of Lauren and Camila but if y'all want one of them.

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