Ain't Nobodies Business

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  Weeks and days have passed. Lauren hasn't woke up yet. The girls didn't want to make any decisions without Lauren.

" Mama, I'm scared," Isabella confessed, sitting at the table in the hospital's cafeteria. " Mommy isn't here and my birthday is coming up."

" I know,baby, but we have keep a brave face in for her," I said, eating my pizza. Her birthday was in two weeks. Lauren wasn't improving at all. Leo told Normani that something unexpected happened, but he doesn't know what.

" Is Brayden going to save her?" she asked, playing with the chocker I gave her when she was little that was Lauren's.

" He will," I said. At this point I wasn't sure. I just wanted her to feel better.

" You promise me she'll be back?"

" I promise," I said, kissing her temple. She's so precious.


Normani wanted to meet up with me to discuss a few things. Ally was going to stay with Isabella at the hospital as we went to Starbucks a few minutes away.

"  How are you and Leonardo?" I questioned. He really did like her. I could tell she liked him. Normani just likes to take things slow.

" We are good. He's just been having a lot of patients lately and wants to be there with Lauren just in case something happens," she answered, drinking her coffee.

" He likes you a lot,Mani," I grinned. Normani became flustered.

" He's not bad looking or a bad guy," she said." I just don't feel comfortable dating while Lauren is in The condition she is."

" Understandable," I agreed. Mani twiddled her thumbs before starting a new conversation.

" I spoke with our managers yesterday when they asked why we haven't been showing up to the studio," she informed me." I told them what happened to you and Lauren. They -ugh- they just sold the story to the paper. Then, they asked me if Fifth Harmony was still a go."

She showed me the article from this morning. They played us. Normani was frustrated. She didn't want to worry about paparazzi following us or sneaking in to see Lauren.

" What the fuck," I flipped through the article." Fifth Harmony members, Lauren Jauregui and Camila Cabello, in a serious car wreck. Cabello was found roaming the streets with her daughter ,Isabella, with no Jauregui in site. "

I cringed reading it out loud. This people are now going to be watching us at a time when we need the most privacy.

" I told Dinah already," Normani said, putting the magazine in her bag." She didn't take it well at all."

" Dinah and Zendaya are planning their wedding. You know. They don't have time for this."

She nodded in agreement. After finishing my coffee, we decided to head back to the hospital.


Zendaya wanted a spring wedding. It wasn't my cup of tea, but I wanted her to have her dream wedding.

" Zendaya, have you picked your bridesmaids?" I asked her as we gazed through the venue.

" Yep," she nodded." Deja,Dom, and I stole Normani, so suck it."

She stuck her tongue out at me. Smirking, I cupped her cheeks while sucking in her tongue.

" I hate you,Dinah-Jane," Zendaya said very stern. I pulled her closer to me,laughing.

" I love you too."

We gazed at venues in LA. I wanted my family to be able to come and see.

" Zendaya?" I called out. She hummed in a response." That night you gave us the awards, was that the moment you found out loved me or was it after we had sex?"

Smiling, her hand raked in my hair. Her hazel eyes stared into mines.

" Way before that," she answered." The moment I saw you and you girls getting read for that runway. You in red made me realized I liked girls but more importantly I was in love with you."

Zendaya was always a charmer. She knew what to say to make me feel like I was the baddest bitch in the game. I loved her for that.

A/N: some zendinah for you

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A/N: some zendinah for you. Who's POV Should be nexts. Don't say Lauren.

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