Mrs Jauregui

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I woke up to Troy laying on my stomach. I ran my finger through his hair, smiling.

" Baby," I said to him. I shook him a little so he would wake up."We have to go to brunch with the girls. "

The girls and I only see each other if we are in the hospital or cleaning the studio. We haven't seen each other in a place that didn't give us bad auras.

" I'm tired," he mumbled into my stomach.

" Come on," I said ,pushing him off me." We can go to sleep later."

  Irritated, he got up and got dressed. I followed behind soon after so I can shower and get dress.


At the little restaurant we were at, there was a big enough booth to fit all 7 of us. We had to wait about an hour. This place was packed since it was only open till 2 pm yet it was so freaking delicious.

" Mama, I want chocolate chip pancakes," Isabella said,flipping through the kid's menu. She sat in between Dinah and Camila. Zendaya was on the other side of Dinah. Normani sat next to me while Troy was in the other side.

" I think I want the same," Dinah agreed.

" Babe, you eat like a horse," Zendaya told her." You can't eat stuff off the kid's menu."

" Are you calling me fat?" Dinah gasped.

" Yes," Izzy butted in. Mila scolded the child.

" No, I'm calling you a grown ass adult who eats like she's pregnant all the time," Zendaya responded.

" They have alcoholic drinks for breakfast!" Normani said,excitedly.

" I want to Sunrise Mimosa,"Camila smiled. The girls ordered their drinks as I just stuck to sweet tea.

" You didn't want to try any?" Dinah questioned.

" I'm good," I smiled, gazing in Troy's eyes. 


The girls continued their business today. I had no problem with going to the hospital by myself and Izzy. I just hate the feeling I get in here.

" Mama?" Isabella called,holding my hand." I think Mommy just wanted to sleep just a bit longer."

" She forces sleep forever if she wanted to," I mumbled.

When I got to Lauren's room, I saw Mrs Jauregui. She had a look of anger and sadness.

" Clara, I can explain," I said. We didn't tell her or my parents what happened.

" Abuelita!" Isabella let go of my hand to run in her arms. Clara hugged her grandchild.

" Camila, why didn't any of you tell mike and I about this? I had to find an article to find out my daughter is in the hospital close to being dead!" Clara told me,setting Isabella down. Isabella took her spot by Lauren. Her little hand fit in hers.

" She's not dead, Abuelita," Izzy argued." Just sleeping."

  Clara knew better than to argue with the small child. She nodded her head.

" I thought Lauren was going to pull through," my voice cracked."  She was getting better do fast than just stopped. I didn't know how to tell you that you're daughter could be dying."

Clara didn't say anything else, but pulled me into a hug.

" The day Isabella was adopted by you two I asked Lauren if she could handle you but I never asked you if you couldn't handle her," she whispered in my ear.

" Clara, I'm-"

" It wasn't an insult," she pulled out of the hug." I knew you could handle Lauren. I just wished I heard you say it. It would of made me feel better.


I listened to a little of what Mama and Abuelita said. I know it had to deal with Mommy.

" Mrs Jauregui-Cabello," Dr Fernandez called." I need to aural with you outside."

  Mama nodded her head before leaving out with the doctor. Abuelita closed her eyes and tried to take a nap in the chair she was in.

" Mommy," I whispered very lowly, tightening my grip on her hand." Please wake up. You can't be tired still. You said you hate sleeping the day away because that's time going away from seeing Mama and I. I remember when you found me. I pretended that I don't because I don't want to remember Avalon. You saved me. I want to save you."

   Just as I finished talking, her hand squeezed mines. Smiling, I kissed her cheek. I was careful not to move the oxygen thingy on her mouth. I think that's how Brayden gives her his powers.

" Clara," Mama said, quietly. I know she didn't want me to hear, but I still listened to them.

" What did he say?"

" If she doesn't get well in a week," her voice started to break." They'll have to pull the cords. She will die."


" Baby," Mama,kneeled down by the bedside where I was." They think she's suffering like this. She will be in Heaven. Watching over us."

Mama started to cry. I gave her a big hug, so she knows I still loved everything she did for us.

" I don't want to believe that yet," I cried.

A/N: Lauren will either die or wake up. You'll find out in the next chapter

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