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I heard all what Blake said. He never loved me and to think my own twin sister would betray me like that. I'm done with her and Blake. I also told Jacob he tried cheering me up but it didn't help. He said we should try to make them jealous so we kissed. Didn't feel anything. Not like what I had with Blake.

-----Later that day-----

I  asked Bart the manager of MagCON if there is any way he can get me ticket for back home. He said yes but it's gonna take a week.

I went to the bathroom and just looked in the mirror. Blake was right I'm just nothing, yes I know Shawna and I are twins but she is the better twin she might as well be an only child anyway.

I was in tears. I couldn't stop them. I was desperate. I grabbed a little chipped piece of glass off the mirror. I didn't want to do this but I had to. I cut myself 3 times under my thigh. I couldn't keep doing it so I through the glass in the trash can... or at least I thought I did.

I decided to go for walk. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care. I went to a Starbucks near by. I walked in and got a Carmel mocha. I sat down and just took small sips.

Then I saw them. Blake and Shawna they were walking intl the cafe they didn't see me yet. So I put my hood up and left. I didn't go back to the hotel I just walked the opposite direction...

TAKE THAT SHAWNA😂😂 JK LY but hope you guys like it so far💙~Sara❤

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