School's Out, Baby!

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Applejack's POV:
Ah! Last day of school! Only one more day of hell and then I'm home free! I can't wait for lunch, I really need to tell Twilight something about Rarity.

I heard the bell ring, and I jumped up faster than Pinkie Pie and sped out towards the cafeteria. I met Twilight in the hall, flirting with Pinkie as usual, and dragged her outside, Pinkie followed us.

"Twilight, I need to tell ya something." I said, I guess she could tell I was serious

"Pinkie Pie, can you go inside, I'll meet you there."

"I'll go inside, but what do you have to call me first?" Pinkie Pie gave Twilight a huge grin.

"Uh... fine. Will you please go inside... babygirl." She whispered that last part, and her face was more red than a tomato.

"Ooh... I like that," Pinkie Pie licked her lips. "Yes ma'am." She had a giant grin on her face, strutting confidently into the cafeteria.

"S-so... w-what do you n-need, Aj?" She was still trying to regain her composure.

"I need to tell you something, I have a crush on Rarity, but I don't want to tell her. Can you keep it a secret?"

"Absolutely!" She beamed at my reveal.

I could have sworn I heard a noise from around the exit, but it was probably nothin'

Rarity's POV:
Ohmygosh! Aj has a crush... on me?! But she's a girl, and I'm a girl, and despite my glaring pansexuality, I could've sworn Aj was straight!

I gasped, and Aj perked up. *Oh shit!* I thought and ran inside as soon as she looked away.

I sat down at the lunch table and blushed hard.

"What happened out there?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Oh, nothing darling. Twilight and Aj were just talking." I covered my face so that they couldn't see that I was blushing like crazy.

Applejack and Twilight came and sat down. Twilight immediately wrapped her arms around Pinkie, and kissed her cheek.

Applejack's POV:
When Twi and I came in and sat down, I could see Rarity was blushing... no matter how hard she tried to hide it.

"GUYS! I JUST HAD AN AMAAAAAZING IDEAAAAA!!" Pinkie Pie actually scared Fluttershy out of her seat with that outburst, it was kind of funny, but I didn't dare laugh.

Rainbow Dash quickly picked her up and dusted her off, while Pinkie was nonstop apologizing.

"Aaaaanyway, as I was saying, what if you all came over after we get out of school, and we spend the whole weekend at my place!"

Today was a half day, and all six of us were leaving early anyway. So we all promised to ask.

Funny enough, we all got called to leave at the same time.

Pinkie's POV:
Twilight was the first one at my place, because she came home with me anyways. "Hey Twilight, does it bother you when I ask you to call me babygirl in public?" I saw how flustered she got today, and Twilight was my whole world, I would hate to make her uncomfortable.

"No Pinkie, not at all! It's just, Aj had to say something important. You just caught me off gaurd. I'm fine with calling you babygirl, and I'm fine with you calling me ma'am and names like that." The fact that Twilight said that all with a huge smile on her face made me really happy.

"So... you're not weirded out by me being a submissive or anything?" Twilight made feel totally normal about all of my insecurities, so she was the only one I talked to about them.

"Absolutely not! Buuuuuut... since you are a submissive and everything, my feet really hurt, would you rub them for me, babygirl?" Twilight said that with such a cheesy grin, that I couldn't help but smile.

"Yes ma'am! Anything for you, Miss Sparkle!"

Rarity's POV:
I was the last one at Pinkie's place, because I had to pack fabulous outfits for all the days I would be here. Once I got there, Twilight was passed out on the sofa.

"Ooooooh! Rarity, you're finally here, you took FOREVER! I thought you weren't gonna come for a second there!" Pinkie Pie didn't seem to mind Twilight being sprawled all over her. "Everybody's upstairs, I'll be right there!" I started up the stairs, but I turned around first.

Pinkie kissed Twilight's forehead and softly whispered, "I'm so sorry for this, Twi." She extended her arm, and slowly scratched her fingers along the bottom of Twilight's foot.

Twilight woke up in a fit of laughter. "AhahahPinkie Piahahahaha! Stahahahahahp!!"

Pinkie Pie stopped immediately, and quickly apologized, telling Twilight that everyone was here and she had to wake up.

*Those two are so cute together!* I ran upstairs so they didn't think I was watching them.

I sat down next to Aj, and tried to prove if she meant what she said earlier. I wrapped my arms around her, and leaned in close. "Hey, baby, miss me?" I purred in her ear, and nibbled on her earlobe.

I honestly thought her face was going to catch fire for a second there.

Applejack's POV:
What the HELL was Rarity doing!?

She couldn't be hitting on me, I hadn't come out to anyone except maybe Twilight that I was bi, Rarity had no way of knowing... unless... no! It couldn't have been her that made that noise, could it?

Pinkie Pie came upstairs with three pizzas, one pepperoni, one cheese, and one half meat lovers, half veggie (that one was for Shy and Dash, I was guessing).

"Okay, everybody! Pizza's here, you five are here, what do you wanna do now?" Pinkie Pie looked expectantly at all of us, "OOOH, I KNOW!" She blurted before any of us could answer, "LET'S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!!"

No one had any objections to this, except me... but I didn't say anything. I was actually a little scared of what Rarity would come up with for me, considering the shit she pulled earlier that turned me on so damn much.

(A/N: okay, first chapter is down! Do you like it? I added a little TwiPie bc that'll be the focus of my next story. Don't worry, Aj and Rarity won't be the only character to have POV's, as you saw I gave on to Pinkie Pie. Next chapter should be out soon, I wrote most of it the sneak peek lol. Stay tuned my friends!)

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