Chapter 14: To Build A Home

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"Yes....yea, the credit card account should have all the information...yes sir...okay, bye", Michael then hangs up the phone with a sigh of relief laced on his lips.

A year after Brianna had given birth to EJ, they both decided to move out of their apartment after their Doctorate Degrees were earned and were able to purchase a 2-story house in Colorado Springs.

Michael just finished moving the last box from the moving truck and hung up on the moving company, ensuring the company was fully-paid

After all, there were plenty of boxes to move, Michael thought with a goofy smile on his face.

Michael began walking through the home, noticing their distinctness of it, definitely due to Brianna doing much of the picking of which home they would go to. The pregnancy argument always ends one way.

The home was a wooden foundation, lined with redwood brown, glass windows with Irish designs inscribed on the frame, 5 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms surrounded by a Forrest region where the trees were boundless and nature was everywhere you would go around the house, including the backyard, patio, front yard and a distinct blue-green hue painted all over the home.

As Michael continued to walk through the hallways, he noticed many of the pictures that hung on them, including the pictures of himself at work, Brianna at work, and one family picture of his beautiful wife, himself and their amazing son.

Lost in these thoughts and wonders about where his life had gone, he did not notice the sound of feet approaching Michael from the end of the hallway.

"Babe?", Brianna inquired worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Michael looked up, with a single tear in his eye and said, "I'm perfect baby", before he wrapped his arms around her waist before planting a kiss on her sweet and plump lips.

Brianna giggled and blushed at the sudden action before composing herself and stating, "Come on sweetie, it's time for bed".

"Okay, but I can check on EJ one more time?"

"Of course you can babe! He's your son after all", she responds back in a happy tone, which contradicts the soft cries the emitted from the room next to where the husband and wife stood together.

"Your a mama"

"Your a papa"

And after slowly caring and calming down his first son, walking into the hallway to see another beautiful  miracle in his bed, he realized that it's not a foundation of wood, construction jobs or even money that builds a home.

It is the love and happiness that is in the home that truly builds it.

That, in his eyes, was truly To Build A Home.

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