Chapter 16: The Big One

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The tie was seemingly feeling tighter and tighter around his neck. Why the hell is it so tight?!, he rambled in his mind.

His subconscious knew he was just exaggerating, but also knew why he was getting so flustered at all.

Today was the day.

The third greatest day of their lives (the second being the day they met each other and the first being the birth of EJ).

Today was their wedding day.

3 months earlier

"Yes!!! Yes yes a thousand times yessss!!", Brianna immediately exclaimed at the top of her lungs at the popping of the big question. "Oh babe, I love youu!!", Michael responded back in much loud enthusiasm.

He stood up and quickly caught Brianna who broke the small distance between them in a big and loving embrace with tears in both Brianna's and Michael's eyes.

After they pulled apart, and he wiped the tears away from her beautiful cheeks, he grabbed her right hand and slowly but passionately slid the ring into her third finger and caught her in a deep and loving kiss.

Even through the sound of thunderous applause from all the other patrons of The View surrounding them and taking pictures on their cell phones, they felt they were in their own personal love bubble that could never be destroyed.

They were lost in their perfect moment.


"Hey man, you okay?", Anthony said while moving Michael's shoulder a bit.

With a smile plastered on his face he said, "man I couldn't be more better than I am right now!"

"I bet you must be bro. Thanks again for asking me to be your best man"

"Of course I was gonna ask you! Your my best friend man", Michael replied giving Anthony a firm CECA handshake.

"Magic Mike, are you ready for tonight?", Anthony said jokingly.

"....I'm kinda nervous to be honest-"

"Look, don't sweat it man, you'll be great today and I bet tonight, she's gonna see some magic if you know what I mean eh? Eh?", Anthony said, nudging Michael's shoulders playfully.

"Truer words have never been spoken brother"

"Hey, they don't call us Best Men for nothing haha."

"You know it bro", Michael replied before patting Anthony on the back of his shoulder, "come on, let's go check on our guests".

"Hey Brianna, can I come in?", Lizette knocked from behind the bride's room.

"It's open!", Brianna replied while fixing up any last minute additions to her hair and makeup.

Lizette entered in her white Bridesmaid dress, but not before noticing the beauties that was Brianna soon-to-officially-be Lozano.

"Ohhh my god. You look beautiful Banana!"

And so she was as the brightness of her white gown and corset were  covered in small arrays of diamond shaped patterns to form waves of wind and water all to the bottom of her back and back to the top of her body where her hair was done in a rose-styled swirl with a white physical rose entangled on the right side of her hair. Her makeup was done beautifully with red lipstick, blue-green eyeshadow and eye liner to make her eyelashes stand out more at attention.

"Are you ready girl?", Lizette said in a cheery voice while going to check on her dress and hair.

"I'm kinda nervous hehehe", Brianna replied in her adorable giggle, "The proposal was awesome and now here we are, on our WEDDING DAY!! UGHHH!!", she responded to Lizette in a flurry of happiness and shyness all rolled into one.

"But your happy with everything right? He's the one your gonna be with for the rest of your life after all."

"I wouldn't have it any other way. He's the father of my son and my only husband. He's the one whose last name I want behind my first name. I love him Lizette"

"And I know he loves you all the same, at CECA, at the parties we went too at NMSU, and now here, he's going to complete you."

"I can't wait", Brianna said with her eyes slightly watering before she stopped them from proceeding any further.

That comes later.

1 hour later

The time was here. The organs had played the familiar tune it had always played at wedding in movies, culture and in real life. The flower girls had walked, the parents, the bridesmaid and the best man.

And now, it was time for the woman of the hour.

Everyone stood to see the beautiful bride walking arm-in-arm with her father, Craig, much to the awe of the husband standing profoundly on the top of the steps, imagining the possibliltes their life could hold together as Mr. and Mrs. Lozano.

After Craig had walked Brianna to the top of the steps and shaking the hand of Michael, the pastor began his famous words of marriage, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the Union of.."

The pastors words were drowned out in the minds of Brianna and Michael as their eyes and thoughts laid solely on the other. So many lingering doubts had died a long time ago, so many fears were extinguished in the light of their love. Everything great about each and every one of their hearts was carried, fixed and left whole by the other.

She's the one I love.

He's the one I love.

Their thoughts began to become clear as the pastor came to the end of his declaration to the final questions of the marriage ceremony:

"Michael, do you take Brianna to be your lawfully wedded Wife?"

"I do"

"And do you Brianna take Michael to be your lawfully wedded Husband?"

"I do"

"By the power infested in me and the city of Colorado Springs, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride"

Truer words had never been spoken as Michael immediately planted his lips onto Brianna's, declaring their love for each other and making sure nothing will ever love her as much as he will love him. As they looked into each other's eyes, Michael picked up EJ from his mother, Susan, and held him together arm-in-arm between his mother and father. Brianna and Michael kissed one last time above the baby, knowing that their would be many more kisses in their life to come.

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