Chapter 19: The Decade

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10 Years...It's been 10 Years...Michael had finished helping young Eric unloading the last of his boxes into his university dorm. After a long time of hard work and dedication, EJ finally decided on attending the University of College Dublin to pursue his passion in Film and Arts. 

"How are you feeling son?", Michael asked his son with great pride, happiness, and sadness mixed into one. So this must be what my dad felt when I left the U.S. "I'm feeling good dad, nervous and all, but good all the same." 

"I'm glad you're happy honey.", spoke Brianna, softly glistening with tears in her eyes. Michael was consistently holding on to her in case she began to blow-up in full sobs, something he wants to do, but knows he cannot. "It's gonna be great. Your gonna live have a full ride...y-your gonna be away from h-home..", Brianna tried to say, but began to vocally shiver and choke up. "Oh, I love you EJ.", "I love you too ma..", EJ responded as he pulled his mother into a tight hug and the father of this family slowly enveloping his arms around these two, the ones who made his life worth living and giving it purpose. 

Just as the family was beginning to relax, a gentle knock was heard against the door. "Um, I'm sorry, but check-in time is almost over, so I'm gonna have to ask the parents to leave.", said a young female supervisor. "R-right, yes, we'll be on our way," Michael responded. 

"Keep making me proud like always son.", "Yes, dad." 

The drive back to their home was quiet. Brianna mainly laying back on the chair trying to recover from the fact that her son has officially "left the nest" as Michael's brother used to say so many times to him. 

"Honey, don't worry. EJ is a smart boy. He'll stay focused, safe and more importantly: educated.", "It's not that simple. How can I stay home knowing my son is out there, by himself at a university with many different kids. Cruel, aggressive and dangerous kids. I cannot just "let it go"!"

Brianna got out of the car and stood on the opening cliff to where the ocean waves would collide. It would usually be a relaxing method of the whole family to use whenever the felt pressured or in a form of pain. The difference is that Brianna was by herself, trying to find an answer for that gaping hole in her heart. 

Then the answer reached out and touched her. Literally. 

Michael had taken her hand just a few seconds ago, but Brianna had barely registered the contact after it initially passed. "10 Years...It's been 10 Years....You and I getting married, having EJ, dropping him off at has been moving fast.."

"You got that right hehe..", Brianna retorted back with a slight sniffle/laugh. 

"I've been working my butt off to support us, since way back when I worked at McDonalds for our checks for dates, food, and now I've been with you for soooo long...and I'm ready to take back all those overtime hours, working hours, everything!" 

Brianna turned to him as he yelled out those last few words. "W-what are you saying babe?" 

"Honey, I've been putting away money from my job since I started way back when and when the time came, I would use it as my retirement fund. I have over $300,000. We can support each other mentally, emotionally and physically. With EJ gone, I know you and I can no longer be apart. I wanna stay here, grow old..sorry OLDER..with you. I want this decade and the next and the next and the next to be you and me. Nothing and no one else." 

If Brianna had not been crying senselessly before, she had been now as she pulled Michael in for a deep kiss. The ocean waves had once again calmed the lives of the happy Lozano Husband and Lozano Wife. 

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