Chapter 15: The Proposal

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The time has come man..

Those simple words were echoing inside of him. Michael was downright nervous, if he was being honest with himself, but not being nervous on her answer, but how she would react to it..

I mean, she gave birth to my child, moved in with me, loves me, but now this? Is it gonna be too much for her? I-

"Isn't it beautiful?", Brianna asked, looking up at the stars in awe and amazement.

Michael had gotten his visiting cousin, Johnny, to watch EJ while he and Brianna had their usual date night.

Definitely not usual, Brianna thought, usually we go to dinner and a movie or go to the park, but tonight's different. I mean first, he tells me to get all dressed up tonight, takes me to The View, the fanciest and most expensive restaurant in Colorado Springs and now we are in their own custom garden...what is gong on?

Maybe, maybe he'll do it tonight...he's gonna-

"Um..uh yea, yea it really is beautiful tonight", Michael was finally able to respond after being snapped from his thoughts. He proceeded to wrap his arms around Brianna from behind and cradle her head on his chest. Brianna felt the heart beat of a strong and loving man that she would care for and treasure for the rest of her life. Michael felt the warmth of a kind and amazing woman that he would treasure and protect for the rest of his life.

"Hey babe..", Michael asked out of nowhere.

"Yes baby?"

"Remember on our first date ever, when we were at The Fountains?"

"Yea, I remember. What about it?"

"Well, the story I told you about Adam, Eve and the planet that held their love together and only their love, well, that's gonna be real."

Brianna immediately turned around in confusion. "What are you talking about?", she chuckled in wonderment.

Michael immediately took her hand...

"Babe, you and I have been going out for a really long time, so long I can't even remember and I honestly don't want too because I'll remember the days when we weren't together as well. I don't want to forget any more days, because I want you to be a part of each and every one of them. You have given me more than I could ever receive from anything or anyone in this world: a home, a child, a heart that is stronger and brighter than my own. I love you babe."

"Baby", Brianna said, her eyes beginning to water, "Are you-", but before she could question her question, she gasped when Michael went on to one knee.

"Brianna Michelle Roberds, will you be marry me and be my Brianna Michelle Lozano?" he asked, somewhat loudly as if he wanted God, the Universe and Life itself to look and know that Brianna would always be his and only his.

Oh my god oh my god OH MY GAWWD!!, Brianna's little voice in her head was screaming while her body was covering her open mouth, tears beginning to form before she finally gave him a true and honest answer...

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