🦋Chapter 5🦋

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Hey! Sorry its been so long. I'm very good at forgetting about projects I started.

I wake up to a beautiful piano piece by Beethoven filling my ears. Yawning, I sit up, and sunlight pours into my eyes.

"Jesus..." I block the sun from my squinting eyes with my pale hand.

Leaning on the wall, I see a beautiful, silver plated cane. I slip on the pair of slippers that lay in front of the bed, and try the cane. It's extremely comfortable, and makes me feel somewhat fancy. I manage to stand up, and make my way through the halls of the manor to the source of the music. It's a large, cozy room with sun pouring through the large windows that cover the walls. I suppose it's a library of sorts, as there are many shelves covered with ancient-looking books. In the center, I see the butler playing a grand piano.

"Isn't it lovely? He plays the same pretty, boring songs everyday." I hear a high pitched voice complain. Or was it a compliment? I can't tell.

He picks up the expensive-looking camera hung around his neck, points it torwards the butler, and, peering through the glass, snaps a shot.

"How fancy." He admires the photo he took.

"I see you have waken. Good morning, Phantomhive." He says, eyes still on the sheet music, ignoring his master.

"Indeed." I say, eyeing the sofa in the far corner on which Alois lay.

"Come," Alois says, mouth full, "breakfast is delicious." I look down at what he's eating... there's a large assortment of delectable looking pastries.

I join Alois on the sofa, and help myself to presumably a raspberry-filled croissant.

"Mmmm..." I moan, food-orgasming.

The blonde stares at me, smiling, as I gobble up more than my fair share of the plate. After I do so, he gets up.

"So. You ready?" He asks.

I look up at him, eyebrows raised.

"Me?" He nods. "For what?" I ask, confused.

"You'll find out soon enough. Just come with me." He says, holding out his hand for me to take. "M'lady." He teases.

I growl. Reluctantly, I place my hand in his. He pulls me up rather forcefully, and drags me through the manor. He stops suddenly.

"Hm... A or B?" He asks me.

"What?" I ask, dazed.

"Just choose one." He says, his anticipation growing despite it having been a good 2 seconds since he asked.

"Uh... B?" I answer, wondering what fate I had chosen.

A smile of satisfaction spreads across his face.

"Good choice." He says, opening a door to his right to reveal a large, sunlit greenhouse filled with assorted trees and flowers, and...

"Butterflies..." I say under my breath.

Butterflies of all kinds and colors fill the room, fluttering their silky wings like dancers performing an elegant show. Running ahead of me, Alois giggles and twirls down the stone pathway, his camera flopping against his chest. It sounds painful, but you suppose such a loon wouldn't care. Besides. He looks kind of blissfully cute. Not in a good way, of course... in the what-a-cute-little-idiot way. I shook the thought from my head as I continue to stroll through the lively garden, enjoying the wonderful display.

As I walk, a bright blue butterfly with lacy black details lands on my hand. I stop in my tracks, staring at it in surprise and wonder.

Well, hello there.

It's gorgeous; but I wonder why it chose my hand of all resting spots.


I hear a loud sound from next to me. I turn my head to see Alois's camera in my face.


He snaps another picture.

"Cut it out!" I demand, covering my eyes from the bright flash of the camera. Alois puffs his lip out.
"Aw. But you looked so cute and happy..." he pouts.

I feel my cheeks burn, and furrow my brow slightly. His frown quickly switches to a smile as he examines the photo.

"Wonderful... this will be just perfect for my blog!" He squeals, smiling brightly.

I roll my eyes. The butterfly still clutches to my finger, even when I try to rid of it. Alois laughs as I try to shake it off my hand, frustrated and panicky.

"Stop shaking your hand, you're going to scramble it's brains you dum. Here," he says, holding out his own hand, "move your hand to mine."

I do as he instructs, placing my hand by his. He interlocks hands with me, and I can't help but notice how soft they are. I watch as the butterfly makes its way from my finger to his, and Alois slips his fingers from my grasp, lowering his hand to a bluebell, so the butterfly may make its departure.

"See? Easy." He says, watching the butterfly collect pollen from the matching blue flower.

I sigh, relieved, aggravated, and tranquil all at once. This boy really is too much.

We begin to walk back to the door to the hall. I wonder if he has room for jungles in his house, what other secrets may lie in the Trancy estate.

"... so you have a blog?" I ask. I don't really care, but it somehow feels strange walking in silence with a boy I know all too well, with only the silence and the click-clacking of Alois's heels on the dark wood floors to keep me company. I wonder... what would he do if he knew I had heard him talking to me that day in the hospital. Would he laugh? Cry? Just shrug it off, and say it was just a joke? For all I know, it could've been. But if it was... why would he offer the money, and even his own home to me? Ah, hell. What was I thinking... I don't know this boy at all.

"Yep. I love photography. There's so much beauty in this world... it's there, and then it's gone. I wish I could preserve each and every bit of it, every joyful moment. Some say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I say it's worth a thousand memories." He says.

"I'd say there's more filth than beauty in this world." I comment.

"You're right. I just choose to focus on the pretty things." He says, a strange smile on his face as he gazes blissfully behind me.

I turn around to try and see what he's seeing, but see nothing but an quiet, empty hall. He laughs at me, as I confusedly look around.

What a boy.

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