Chapter 12: Take Me Out to the Ball Game

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After we finish breakfast, we wash our dishes, (I've decided I'm going to do my chores for myself rather than leaving them to Claude,) and get dressed. When he comes back out, he's wearing worn-out jeans, a sportsy t-shirt, and a baseball cap on. I raise an eyebrow.

"I knew you dressed like a dad, but I mean really..." I comment, smirking.

"Oh, shush. Where we're going, you're gonna be the odd one out, Mr. Fancy Pants." He says.

I look down at my neat, navy blue dress pants. It was my school uniform; the only outfit I brought back from the apartment. I suppose it is a bit formal for... wait, where are we going?

"What do you mean? Where are we going?" I ask, lead to curiosity by the I was hoping you'd ask smile plastered on his face.

"You're gonna go to a ball game, boy." He announces proudly.

I roll my eyes... he's been trying to convince me to go to one since he took me as his own, considering the baseball nut he is himself.

"Fine. I'll go." I admit.

He pumps his fist in the air, mouthing yes.

"Let's go!" He says, and we head out to the car.

Thankfully, Sebastian still kept his car.

"That butler is good, but he's kinda creepy. We've had a bit of small talk, and I offer to help him clean countless times, to which he blatantly refuses, but damn it's hard to get to know him. It's nice to just go somewhere on your own sometimes, ya know?" He had explained to me a while ago.

I understood completely... I can't imagine having no one but an overly-professional butler to keep me company. I should hang out with Sebastian more often. As he drives, I realize how smooth he is at it. He hardly hits a bump, or makes a sharp's soothing. We jam out to Green Day the whole 40 minute drive to the stadium. When we arrive, it's packed with loads of other excited baseball fans, come to see their childhood idols play before their eyes.

"Hot dogs, hot dogs, come get your hot, juicy hot dogs!" A boy in a red apron yelled, carrying a tray of fresh meat logs. (Mmmmmmm meat logs)

Sebastian waves his hand in the air, motioning for the boy. He comes over, and Sebastian orders two hot dogs, handing one to me.

"Oh no, I'm alright. I just ha-" I'm cut off by the steaming hot dog shoved in my face.

It's actually quite good... I accept it, swallowing that bite quickly to take another. Just then, the announcer announces that the game will begin now... the crowd goes wild as the famous players walk out onto the field, before retreating to the sidelines.

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