Chapter 11: Not My Home

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When I reach the doors of the manor, I'm greeted by Claude.

"Hello, Ciel. Where-" He cuts himself off as I walk straight past him inside, not paying any mind to his presence.

I don't look back to see it, but I hear a little "woosh" and the nothing more. I presume he's gone off to find his master. Of course, he'd suspect we had a fight... no, it wasn't even a fight. Alois didn't even have the balls to respond to a thing I said. Therefore, it was just a hissy fit. I don't regret it one bit as I walk down the long halls to my bedroom... ugh. I feel terrible for calling it that. For being weak enough to accept help from this bipolar brat, who put me in this position to begin with. I start to wish I had walked somewhere, anywhere but here... to my real home. Of course, the Phantomhive Estate burnt down years ago, and the closest thing I had left to a "home" Sebastian had stopped paying rent for ever since the invitation here. I open the door and shut it immediately behind me, not bothering to turn the light on as I flip on the bed. I look in the dark, shadowed corner at the top of the room, to see the web still there... I smirk. I guess I was right. Alois was a spider, spinning his web so delicately for me all along; and here I am, stuck in the heart of his sickly masterpiece. I feel something repugnant in my stomach, and am about to stand up and wander back out into the stormy night, but a wave of exhaustion takes over my mind, and I rest my eyelids.


The beautiful melodies of blue birds fill my ears, as bright light warms my eyelids. Where am I... oh, yes. I smile, breathing in the tart-scented air... I'm home. I lay there for a few minutes longer; I'm sure Tanaka will wake me when I'm needed. Suddenly, a piercing pain breaks the serenity.

"Ow..!" I exclaim, sitting up to see a spider quickly scurry away from two tiny red fang marks on my forearm.

I then realize that I am in fact in the Trancy Manor. Well, it was nice while it lasted... I suppose that's what they mean when they say "ignorance is bliss." I stretch, groaning loudly as I do so. Slipping on the slippers placed neatly by my bed per usual, I stand up, and groggily walk out into the hall. I'm glad I no longer need the cane. Of course, I still use it from time to time, considering it's a nice piece, but it was rather tedious being a limp. When I enter the usually bustling kitchen, I find it isolated and unusually quiet. I look to the stove clock- 7:30. Yep, normal breakfast time... I guess I just startled Alois enough for him to leave me alone. I'm not complaining. On the large, circular table in the center of the room, I see a steaming plate of eggs, bacon, and perfectly toasted toast, with a cup of what I assume to be earl grey. I sit down, and eat my breakfast alone. After a few minutes, I hear the door open. I quickly look to the door, to see if Alois had come to apologize-

Sebastian walked into the room, already munching on a bagel.

"Goof morming." He says, his mouth full.

"Morning." I reply, slightly agitated.

He sits down in the red wood chair next to me. As he does so, I get a whiff of his cheap, irishy cologne... it makes me realize how much I miss him. I've been so busy rushing around with Alois, even though we live under the same roof, I've been forgetting about Sebastian.

Damned blonde brat.

Speaking of which... "Where's Alois and Claude? I haven't seen them this morning." Sebastian asks, brow furrowed.

I shrug, taking another bite of my toast.

"Well... while they're gone, whaddya say we spend the day together?" He suggests, to my delight.

"Alright." I accept his offer casually, hiding my excitement.

Maybe today won't be so bad after all.

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