Chapter 10~My soulmate is a wolf, so why am i in love with a guy?

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Chapter 10

" I'm coming, just a second." I said a little too loud and high pitch. Since we were eating out of the same plate there was no problem with hiding the extra plate, but there was a problem with hiding super hot guy in my kitchen. When someone came in I think they would notice that I wasn't alone and that would not be good for any of us.

He got up and came in front of me " Calm down I'll be in the other room and I'll help you get your robe." he said still smiling. He pulled me up into his arms and this time I said nothing and just enjoyed the feel of his arms around me before I had to go out and talk to whoever was knocking on my door. Have I mentioned that he still wasn't wearing a shirt.

He brought me into my room and put me down right in front of the my closet, where my sweaters, jackets and such were. I opened it and picked out my pink robe that went with my so called pjs. I put it on and started limping/hopping to the kitchen door, I opened the door but not before I closed my bedroom door, just in case.

Okay I cant say I was shocked, because it was a possibility that it could be him, but I thought it was going to be my grandma or someone.

" Hey, sorry if I woke you up. I just wanted to see how you were feeling." Attila said with a small smile.

" Doctor said as long as I stay off it, it will heal quicker and don't worry I was already awake." I said.

" Can you please get me an advil, my ankle is starting to bug me." I said.

" Yeah hold on, its on the top shelf right?"

" Yup. I'll wait right here." I said with a nervous smile hoping he wont ask to come in after he brings me the meds. He came back really fast and gave me the box.

" Can I come in?" he asked. I didn't know what to say Jakob was here and what if Attila wants to go into my room, what am I going to do then.

Suddenly I felt kind of empty like something was missing and somehow I know he wasn't here anymore, Jakob left.

" Umm, yeah come on in." I said with a smile.

He noticed that I was limping/hopping, so he put his arm around my waist and said " Here, I'll help you.", so I leaned into him and limped into my kitchen and sat down at the table. Without even asking he bought me water, I pulled out 2 pills and swallowed.

" I hope you can still come to the dance." he said with a hopeful smile.

" Yeah, me too but my ankle is probably going to get better until next week."

" I know its non of my business, but are you going with anyone?" he asked. I really didn't want to tell him who, so I tried to dodge the question. I think I should mention I'm not really good at that or change the subject, every time I try it people notice and we always end up talking about it anyways.

Like that one time with my mom, when she was asking me if I ever had sex, which I never did, I mean I didn't even get to first base. Back home it was different I wasn't really noticed, so anyways back to the story I tried telling her I didn't have a boyfriend, then she's all like "Well honey it doesn't mean anything if you have a boyfriend." and even though we already had the sex talk when I was 12, she tried again and trust me that is way more uncomfortable. Getting back to the present I tried and as always crashed and burned.

" Yup, I am going with someone, you?" I asked trying my avoiding the question of who method.

" Yeah, who are you going with?"

" Who are you going with?" see how pathetic it's starting to sound.

" I don't think you know her Andrea Varga, Sebastian's younger sister, so who are you going with?" see what I mean, doesn't work, I should practice more.

My soulmate is a wolf, so why am I in love with a guy?Where stories live. Discover now