Chapter 21~My Soul Mate is a Wolf

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It has been almost three months since my full moon and I still can't believe it. Christmas is in a week and my mother is flying in later this week to spend it with us. There was a snowstorm just last night and the snow is fresh and undisturbed, like a white satin blanket covering the fields. Andrea and I decided to go for a run through the endless fields of snow and so far it has been really fun. Jakob was busy, so I decided I could use some girl time and I called my best friend. The whole pack has a psychic connection, so we could communicate by sending our thoughts to the person we want to communicate with, therefore I didn't have to worry about someone over hearing us.

I'm so nervous, I have no idea how my mom will act around Jakob.

Don't worry if she didn't kill him when he almost got you killed then she won't do anything now. I heard the amusement in her mental voice, but I wasn't amused at all. I know it seems petty to worry about things like that when I am part of something larger than life, part of a species that is special and not very common. My train of thought continued in that direction when something flashed in my mental radar, I know Andrea felt it too because right after my radar flashed she said,

Did you feel that?

Yeah. Do you know where it come from, or what it came from? But I didn't need for her to tell me so i just sent her a mental message saying

Follow me! and headed for the spot flashing on my mental radar of the town. The closer we got the stronger the feeling got that something very important was about to happen, even though none of us knew exactly what it was, I could feel Andrea was anxious to find the source of the flashes of power even more than I was.

We ran at full speed getting closer and closer to the source of the power with every powerful stride of our wolf forms. As we came into a sea of white going on and on for as far as you can see and standing in the middle of it all a dark, unmoving figure. we didn't slow down until we were standing couple feet in front of the person, a male. it was pretty clear even before we got close enough to see his features in the night that he was a man by his height and the outline of his broad shoulders and muscular form. As Jake promised I got used to being in the nude and by this time I didn't mind changing in front of people I didn't know, but as a rule we did not let anyone who didn't know about us know. I was more than sure that this person knew about us as I was sure that this person was not human, even though I couldn't quiet place his scent but i was sure he was not a shifter.


I heard it whispered into my mind just before I changed, so I didn't really have time to ask more questions. After I shifted I arranged my now below waist long hair over my body, so I wouldn't look completely nude. The moment I saw his handsome face I instantly knew who it was, the man from my dream.

"Its you." I said accusingly.

"You say that like its a bad thing." he said carelessly.

"Who are you anyway?"

"Derek." he said extending his hand but neither of us moved to take it.

"So Derek, why are you here?" I stared at him.

"I did not figure that out yet." he confessed.

"It's him!" we both turned to look at Andrea, it was the first time she has spoken since we shifted back into human form.

"Rea, do you know him?"

She ignored my question, gripped my arms and shook me "My mate, it's him, he's my mate!" she said frantically. I could see the utter horror and panic in her eyes.

"But he's a, vampire." I said hesitantly, because I wasn't completely sure about that. Not long after the words rolled off my lips, I felt a shift in the air and realized that Andrea shifted and made a run for it. I turned back to Derek and watched as he looked after the departing Andrea with an unreadable expression.

"Do you have a place to stay?" I asked knowing it was my duty as the mate of the Alpha and Andrea's best friend to make sure that her potential mate was settled in for however long he was planning on remaining in town.

"As a matter of fact I do not." he replied with a half smile.

"Follow me and I'll get you settled in somewhere." I said not waiting for an assurance just shifting and heading into town knowing with confidence that he was following with remarkable speed. For a second I thought I should seek out Andrea but then thought better and decided that it was better to give her tonight and I would talk to her tomorrow or whenever she was ready. I was surprised at the confirmation on the fact that vampires existed and even more surprised that my best friend's soul mate was one but my feelings didn't really matter in this situation, hers did and well, his.



Hey guys this is the last chapter of My Soul Mate is a Wolf, but it is not over yet, so those of you who just read those line as thought NOOOO! like i often do when something i really like ends dont worry! There is probably going to be two more parts. The next is about Andrea and as you guys realized by now Derek. I will probably post the first chapter next week called My Soul Mate is a Soulless Vampire. Cant wait and i hope you guys feel the same. Also for those of you who are reading Rosycroix i will probably post next weekend as well cuz of stupid school and math homework! :( Anyway thanks for reading and bveing patient for those times i didnt upload for weeks. Love you guys!!!

My soulmate is a wolf, so why am I in love with a guy?Where stories live. Discover now