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I tossed and turned on top of the thin, uncomfortable hospital bed mattress. There was a draft coming from somewhere and it made goosebumps raise on my arms, yet I felt uncomfortably warm at the same time.

My stomach burned, and the stitches in both my forehead and knee were aching, but I was lucky that I was okay. Blood transfusion after blood transfusion, test after test. I seemed to be living in the hospital.

I twisted, trying to find a comfortable position, but with the bruises and stitches which were still aching as they healed, the simple task proved incredibly difficult.

A small noise made me jump. A plastic cup on the bedside table had fallen onto the floor...but it couldn't have happened on its own, right? My anxiety was through the roof. Just the smallest sound or movement whilst I was alone terrified me.

I sat myself up slowly, trying to see as much as I possibly could through the darkness. My pulse began to slow down again once I realised that the nurse had clearly left the window open. The breeze from outside had come in through the window and knocked over the cup. I hoped.

I shifted against the headboard of the bed, laying back down with two plump pillows underneath my head keeping me propped up slightly.
I sighed, rubbing my eyes with the arm which didn't have an IV stuck inside it.

"You're still alive?"

I quickly removed my hand from my eyes and sat up, hissing in pain as my stomach stretched. I couldn't see anything now, and my heart rate began to speed up as I heard the voice again- Chandler's voice.

"That's something I'm going to have to sort out, then." A chuckle.

"Where are you?" I questioned, scared, my voice hoarse from sleep.

He didn't reply.

I pushed myself off of the side of the bed and quickly went to the door to find someone. "Good luck getting out of there." I jumped. He was right behind me.

I turned back quickly and pushed down on the door handle. It wouldn't open. How can it be locked from the inside?! I continued to shake the handle, but it refused to budge, so I brought up my fist, intending to knock on the door. He must've seen.

"Hel-mph!" I shouted, before his hand clasped over my mouth. He wrapped his free arm around my waist and pulled me off the ground, backwards towards the bed. I kicked my legs as hard as I could, writhing as much as possible despite the pain, and I tried to bite his hand, except it was held too tightly over my mouth to get my teeth around it.

He chucked me onto the bed, but before I could get up again, he hopped up and was straddled on top of me, with both hands over my mouth now, so I couldn't move at all.

I breathed heavily, trying to calm myself down, but as tears began to form in my eyes, I knew calming down wasn't an option.

His eyes were narrowed towards me, and a devious smile crept onto his face. "It's amazing what you can find in a stock room full of drugs."

My eyes remained wide open as I continued to cry for help from under his hand.
He pulled out a small, long packet from his pocket. I could make out the content's outline as he unwrapped it, and my eyes widened even further in terror.

"I guess they use these for euthanasia. Just one jab, and minutes later, your heart stops."

I shook my head from under his hand, pleading for him to stop. The emergency help button was just above my head, but I couldn't reach. Chandler had me pinned down conveniently enough so that every form of help was out of my reach.

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