Chapter 4 - Need your name!

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Niall and Harry walked through the door with the shopping bags, and being the clumsy self Niall tripped over and face planted the floor making everyone laugh, even Anne, Harry's mum laughed.

"So Zayn remember that girl from the club last night?" Harry asked making me automatically blush, but before I could say something Niall had butted in.

"Yeah well I got her number, HA" and he started dancing around the living room being a complete idiot.

"What's her name?" I asked truly wanting to know, but when I saw Niall's face go pale and he stopped dancing I smirked to myself amused with the fact that I had won this round again, I mean c'mon, no one can beat the Bradford bad boy. Mwuahahaha!


I'm so fucking stupid, how can I have not asked for her name? Wait I've got her number, I can just always text her. I smiled to myself and quickly pulled out my phone sending a quick and simple text;

'I forgot to catch your name ;)'

I once again smiled to myself proud of my idea "I just texted her for her name" I said smugly to Zayn, but his smirk never faltered and that made me go a bit queasy.

"Seriously dude, that's so lame, you should really take advice from me from now on when it comes to the ladies" Harry interrupted and I shot my head around in his direction sending him a hard and long glare, but for once he was right. How stupid am I today?


I was sat on the couch watching TV whilst Becca was in the shower. Beccas phone buzzed so I grabbed her phone off the table checking who it was. It was an unknown number asking for her name, who the hell was this? How the hell did they get her number?

I heard footsteps so I quickly put the phone back down onto the table and Becca then walked in drying her wet hair with the towel. "Has my phone gone off?" she asked me picking up the phone as if she was expecting someone.

"yeah you had a text from a unknown number" as soon as I said this her face brightened up and a massive smile beamed across her face, I looked at her confused and clueless. "Are you even gonna tell me what's going on?" I questioned.

She sat down next to me texting this mysterious person I didn't even know about, she blanked me out and was just staring at her phone. I snapped my fingers in front of her face bringing her back into reality "rude much!" she scowled.

"it's also rude to ignore people, now tell me what's going on!" I ordered, she smiled at me and I felt really creeped out, I swear she resembled the grinch right now.

"okay fine, you know when I went shopping?" she asked and I just nodded my head wanting her to continue "well you'll never guess who I bumped into" She was really annoying me by now and I guess she could tell. "okay" she let out a sigh "Niall Horan"

I was completely shocked, she couldn't be serious right now, could she? "Please tell me your joking" I said and she shook her head, her smile was getting bigger if that was even possible.

"he helped me get the aspirin off the top shelf and then asked me for my number" I was completely and utter in shock. I couldn't believe this was really happening right now!

"Wait, what? Rewind and freeze!" I needed to let this information soak into me so I tried to repeat everything she said to me "So let me get this straight, you and Niall Horan, who is in One Direction, the sexiest boyband ever, bumped into each other" I asked and she smiled reassuring me "and then, Niall Horan, who's really famous and full of sexiness, asked you for your number?"

She smiled at me again "yes. That's exactly what happened" she said her face coming back to normal and not nearly splitting in two from all the smiling. I soon enough came back to reality aswell.

"Well now all you have to do is ask Niall if Harry would go on a date with me" I said enthusiastically which made her laugh at me.

"and then maybe we can go on a double date" she said sarcastically, we both giggled for a while but then decided we should get to bed because we were so tired and had to be up early for job hunting tomorrow.


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