Chapter 12 - Human

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After what had happened yesterday in the meeting with Simon we all decided that we should take a day off today and spend it away from each other, I think it's a good idea because we can reflect and think about it all. I just hope we can work through this.

I decided to take a casual stroll around where we live and as the weather got colder I regret not bringing a jacket or a coat. This always happens, the weather is so bipolar here in the UK. I'm thankful that there is a Starbucks just 5 minutes where I am so I take off speed walking wanting to get there fast.

The door dings as I walk into the petite Starbucks cafe and I take in the heat and my surroundings, strolling up towards the counter I had to double take, I swear I know the girl in front of me. I'm sure she's Becca's friend.

I didn't want to make myself look like an idiot but hey i'm Liam Payne, idiot is my middle name so I turned my head so I could see more of her face and she saw me do this making her smirk at me. "You're Becca's friend right?" I ask the tanned girl.

She laughed at me then grabbed her drink off the counter top. "yeah I am. Hey I'm Piper" She introduced herself, she stood next to me as I ordered my drink and waited for it. "Liam I gotta ask. What the hell was that interview on Ellen?"

Great they saw it. Becca saw it. I sigh not happy with my bandmates at all, now I have to explain everything to Piper and i'm pretty sure Niall and Zayn won't be happy with me telling everything but Becca and Piper deserve an explanation.

"Sit with me? I'll explain everything" I offer and she nods her head now following me to a table in the corner. We sit down and she takes off her coat placing it behind her on the chair. "You won't be happy with this. I'm not that happy myself either but once Niall sets his mind on something he can get very sneaky and manipulative" I confess and that was only the start of the conversation.


I can't believe we have to stay away from each other and by each other I mean the boys. Orders from Simon.

Me and Louis had made plans for ice skating today and now I can't go, he took his sister Lottie instead leaving me in the house on my own. I'm in my bedroom, lay on my back just staring at the ceiling completely bored out of my mind. I couldn't think of anything to do.

Huffing and sighing to myself I pull my phone out of my pocket from my jeans just wanting any notification from someone or a hint to do something. I need people around me, I hate being on my own it sucks.

I get a ding on my phone making me get excited, finally someone has taken an interest in me.

'We need to talk. I'm not happy Harry' is what it read from Piper. I nervously gulp hesitating on texting back, my fingers hover over the keys on my iPhone not wanting to see what's making her unhappy but I guess i'll have to face it sooner than later.

'Yeah sure come over. What's up?' I text back, I was a nervous wreck, she's not happy with me, ME.

'I saw the interview Harry and I know everything'

Shit. Shit. Shit. Not has she only seen the interview she probably knows why it all happened. Wait a minute, how would she know if someone hasn't told her?

'Don't know what you're talking bout' I reply back trying to get more out of her and see what she knows exactly.

'I'm outside your house come and open the door now'

Confused more than anything I sit up on my bed, knocking is now being heard on the front door throughout the house so I cautiously make my way downstairs and open the door to reveal an angry Piper and a guilty looking Liam.

"Uh, come in?" I say but it came out more as a question. Piper walked in taking off her coat and throwing it on the back of the couch as if she owned the place. Her dominant, angry demeanour made me nervous and scared of her.

"Harry what the fuck were you thinking doing that in the interview? You've screwed everything up between Becca and Zayn" Piper now demands and shouts at me, I frown my face in confusion, she does know everything.

I turn to Liam looking at him disappointed, he puts his hands up defensively then backs up out of the living room leaving me here frightened for my life with Piper. "Niall has a girlfriend, so why on earth did you help him?" Piper asks, her tone of voice now lower than before but I could tell she was still angry with me.

Closing my eyes I sigh ready to face up to my mistakes. "Piper, i'm sorry. I made a mistake I realise that now" I try to apologise but it didn't seem to work, she was still stood in front of me with her arms crossed looking at me disappointed. It seems like i'm getting that look a lot lately and I'm not liking it.

"What can I do to fix this? To fix us?" I plead with her not wanting to lose her, with Piper stood in front of me I realise that this girl means a lot to me and that what i've just done with Niall was a huge mistake.

Piper laughs at me but it was almost sinister like. "Us?" She asks "What us? We're not together Harry and with what you and Niall have pulled I doubt there will ever be an 'us'" She shouts and it was like a stab in the heart, I really like this girl and to hear her talk like that made me almost want to cry.

"Piper. I'm telling you now I like you, I like you a lot. People make mistakes it's what makes us human and as a human being stood in front of you right now i'm apologising from the bottom of my heart,  just wanting there to be a chance for us to be together. Please" I say meaning every word and walking slowly over to her.

Piper looked at me speechless, her eyes locking on mine watching every move I make. "Harry." My name leaves her lips and without thinking I grab her face pulling her into me and placing my lips onto hers.

She kissed me back making me involuntarily cheer inside my head, this means she forgives me. She forgives me and kissed me in one day, this is the best day ever.

That was until Katherine and Niall walked through the front door seeing us lip locking in the middle of the living room.

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