Chapter 6 - Just for fun?!

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The interview went really well so now me and Piper will be starting our own radio show in 3 weeks! It's so exciting that I couldn't help but let out a slight squeal.

I've got loads of things planned for the radio show and hopefully we will meet more new famous people. Only time will tell.


When I was talking to Piper outside the Sony building waiting for Zayn to arrive, Harry kept on interrupting and was really annoying me, so I walked away leaving them together.

"Hey Li" I said now standing beside Liam and gave him a pat on the back, he gave me a smile then turned back round as Zayns black convertible pulled up.

He got out shirtless so I assumed he was out for his daily jog as usual, he quickly tugged on his black shirt whilst walking round the other side opening the passenger door. Someone was with him?

Just then a girl with blonde hair and glasses got out of the car and I soon recognised her from the club. So this is the girl Niall and Zayn are squabbling about?

She gave Zayn a quick hug "thanks for the ride Zayn" and I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Niall looking down to the ground.

"Hey Niall give me a call sometime yeah?" She said in his direction and his head quickly snapped up and a massive smile beamed onto his face whilst shaking his head up and down. He seemed happy.

She waved to us all and so did Piper as they both walked inside the building leaving us stood there.

"She so wants me" Niall said with a smug smile whilst walking to the department where we would be meeting Simon.

We all laughed except Zayn. "What's up mate?" I asked him

"I really like her Niall and your just going to end up hurting her. You already have a girlfriend" he said with annoyance clear in his tone of voice.

He was right though what Niall was doing is wrong. He shouldn't be leading someone else on.

"Listen, Katherine is away and Rebecca is just flirting there is no harm done and you better not tell any of them" Niall retorted back and I was shocked that our little innocent Niall had vanished.

"Yeah it's just fun Zayn and it's not like they'll ever know" Harry stated being on Niall's side.

My anger was boiling inside me and I couldn't help but let the words flow out of my mouth. "Fun. Just fun?! What the hell! Rebecca is a sweet girl and doesn't deserve this crap from you, think about this Niall, you too Harry"

"Oh come on Lou, your making it a big deal" Harry said stopping in his tracks making us stop walking too.

"It is a big deal Harry. You hated when Lisa was playing with you and now you think it's right for Niall to do it, I didn't think you'd be like this" I screamed at him. Lucky enough no one was around.

"Don't you like Piper? I mean you just asked her out so obviously you do, and say if Rebecca does find out she'll be going back and taking Piper with her cause she's her best friend, which also means she will tell her what's happened and then Piper won't talk to you cause you let this all happen" Harry stood there speechless just blinking every few seconds.

"That's what I thought" I said then turning on my heel so I could walk away.


Louis walked away leaving me Niall Zayn and Harry just stood there. I kinda agree with Louis and Zayn on this, I mean no girl should be treated like that.

"You better end things with Rebecca and soon or I will tell her everything myself" Zayn warned Niall and then walked away.

I didn't really want to say anything, I hate confrontation so I just ran after Zayn and walked with him to the meeting room where Louis was already sat down with his head in his hands, we were just waiting for Niall and Harry to walk in and they did a few minutes after.

The room was silent and no one spoke. "So I'm guessing with the silence you just had a argument, am I correct?" Simon asked us and I just nodded my head.

Simon let out an exasperated sigh "lets just get this over with" and sat down in his chair.

"Yeah cause I can't stand to be near Niall right now" Zayn said scooting his chair further away from Niall.

"Moving your chair away from me yeah? Real mature" Niall retorted back his glare fixed on Zayn.

"Mature?! Says you playing with a girls heart and breaking it. What happened to the innocent Irish lad that I WANTED to be in a band with?" Zayn asked his glare growing more intense with every word spoken.

"Wanted?! So you don't want to be in the band now?" Harry asked sorrow in his voice clearly sorry about this whole thing.

Zayn got up and left the room but saying 4 words that left us all shocked, even Simon.

"No way in hell"

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