Chapter 13 - Stuck in love

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I couldn't help but kiss Harry back even though I was so mad at him right now. He has potentially ruined Becca's love life now but right now i'm more angry with Niall, he led her on saying how much he liked her when all this time he has a girlfriend.

Realisation finally hit me and I pushed him off me wiping my mouth disgusted at what i've just done. His hands fell from my face along with his face, pure sadness just written across him.

"No Harry, you can't kiss me and expect me to forgive you. It doesn't work that way" I shout at him, he turns his head down to the ground now not looking at me at all, I hope he knows what he has done is wrong.

"I know. I'm sorry" He whispers still not looking at me. "What can I do?" His eyes now flick up to mine.

Thinking for a while I realise Becca still needs an explanation, she's currently at home upset and confused about the interview we had both watched last night, Niall had lied and we both know that.

"You can come back to mine and explain everything to Becca. If she forgives you then I will too" I order him taking charge once again.

Harry closed his eyes taking in a deep breath as if mentally preparing himself for this. "That's fair"

The sound of the front door opening alerted me snapping my head towards the direction, Niall walked in with a petite brunette haired girl, I guess that is the girlfriend.

"Uh....P-piper w-what are you-u do-ing h-here?" Niall now asks nervously seeing my presence in his living room, he was like a deer caught in headlights.

I crossed my arms against my chest showing that I wasn't happy with him but he probably knows that anyway.

"Why so nervous Niall? Trying to hide something? or maybe someone?" I ask but it was more of a rhetorical question as the answer was stood just a few inches in front of me. I didn't want to be completely rude so I introduced myself to the girl. "Hey i'm Piper a friend of the boys. I'm sorry I don't know who you are, how do you know them?" Again it was a rhetorical question but I just needed it to come from her mouth instead.

The girl side glanced to Niall and then back to me now scared as to what was going on here. "I'm Katherine and i'm Niall's girlfriend"

"Well see that's where i'm having trouble understanding. Where have you been the past month when Niall has been leading my friend on?" I ask but it wasn't polite at all. "Cause you just kinda popped out from nowhere"

Niall now looked guilty and Katherine looked scared, both of them now just looking at me speechless not daring to say anything. I started walking away towards the door but I wasn't done just yet. "Niall stay away from Becca. Harry you're coming with me" I command, both of them nod their heads then Harry scurries my way and out the door doing as he's told.


Sat on my couch I let the tears fall now and then onto my dressing gown that i'm wearing, holding a cup of coffee in my hands that i'm scared of dropping from crying so hard.

"Becca please let me explain everything" Zayn's voice now rings through the house through the mailbox. I'm not letting him in, I don't want to see him or any of the guys right now. The interview is on my television screen muted on a loop. I feel so embarrassed and humiliated right now.

"Go away Zayn!" I scream and cry at the same time at him through the door.

My eyes flick to the screen once again now watching the part where Zayn squares up to Niall, I can't believe he did that live on TV. The clicking sound of the front door unlocking makes me stand up and run into the kitchen as it was the closest place behind a door.

"Becca? It's Piper" She let's me know she's home but I don't come out of the kitchen as I know Zayn will be with her.

"And Zayn"

"And Harry"

Great why is he here too? I don't want to see any of them at all, Why can't they understand that?

"Bec please come out. They want to explain everything, you don't know the full story babe" Piper talks to me through the door that I'm holding shut so they can't get in.

"I know what I need to know" I cry to them still not faltering one bit.

I hear shuffling then next thing the door was slowly being pushed forward against my hands. That can't be Piper, she wouldn't be able to do that against me, there was now enough room for someone to slip through and much to my dismay it was Zayn.

"No!" I cry out and try to push him back but he doesn't move at all not being fazed by this.

His arms now wrap around me holding me into his chest, his hands rubbing up and down my back to try and soothe me. "Let it out" He whispers to me and I now give up trying to push him and now cry harder than before into his chest.

The door opens and I don't have to guess who it is. It's Piper and Harry.

"You embarrassed and humiliated me" I cry and confess to Zayn but still let him hold me. I feel his arms tighten around me as if he was now scared of letting me go. "Why did Niall do that? Zayn you told me that he has a girlfriend"

"He does Becca.... and he did it because he was bored and wanted fun. I know because he told me and I sorta helped him" Harry confessed from behind me making me pull away from Zayn and look at him.

"So basically he's been using me? And you knew and let him?" I question him to which I get a sorrowful look and a nod of the head.

"I'm so sorry Becca. I know now that I shouldn't have done that, it was a huge mistake and I hope you forgive me?" Harry pleas to me, he looked like he was about to cry, I just nod my head 'yes' quickly to him letting him know that I forgive him as he apologised for his mistakes.

My attention was now on Zayn though, had he been using me too? And by the looks on his face he can tell what I'm thinking.

He was quick to defend himself though "I never used you Becca, I wouldn't do that to you" His face was now full of sadness that I would think that of him. "Becca I meant it when I told you that I love you"

I had to close my eyes and take this all in, it was all too much. "I believe you Zayn, but right now I need to be alone" I say now not wanting to look at him as I know my last words had hit him hard but I need to think of myself first.

He now walks away, Harry following him to the door so they can leave together. "When you've done me please" Zayn kinda begs me to which I just give him a fake smile, but he couldn't tell that it was fake.

After I hear the front door shut I couldn't help the tears run down my face again. "You wanna talk hun?" Piper asks me endearingly, she was now rubbing my back trying to comfort me. I shake my head 'no'.

"I'm just gonna sleep" I say then walk upstairs to my room where I shut the door and collapse on my bed. I don't even know why i'm crying this time though until I realise it's because of Zayn and that i'm completely in love with him.

My feelings and emotions are all over the place. I didn't want to fall in love again.

But I did and now i'm stuck.

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