Chapter 18 - Bitter Sweet

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I finally made my way home and with 30 minutes to spare, I guess all the anger in me had came out. Finding out what Ollie had done, losing Becca and then finding out she has someone new, I didn't realise the speed I was doing and I was surprised when I never got pulled over by the police either.

Parking my car outside of Ollie's house, I notice everyone else was here too sat on folding chairs on his lawn having a party, what better way to do this than with an audience right? He is about to get what he deserves in front of Nicola, Laura and all the guys.

"Ollie!" I shout and run up to him, he turns and smiles at me thinking that everything was good between us, but he was damn wrong. I throw a punch into his gut making him groan and fall forward and everyone to gasp in shock.

"Craig, what are you doing?!" Nicola shouts at me making me turn toward her in rage, she now look frightened and so she should, everyone should be scared of me right now because when I lose my shit I lose it big time.

Turning back to Ollie I grab him by the collar of his leather jacket and pushing him into the metal gate that was behind him making him groan in pain yet again. "What the hell man?" He shouts in my face trying to push me off him but I wouldn't budge. We both know that I could easily win this fight.

"You gonna tell them or am I?" I snarl in disgust at him making him look confused at first but soon his face turned pale like he saw a ghost. 

His lips fell into an 'O' shape, it all clicked in his mind. "You went to go see her, didn't you?" He asked in a whisper and the fact that he knew where I went and why i'm so angry made it clear that Becca was telling the truth. 

"Yeah I went to see her and she told me. SHE FUCKING TOLD ME EVERYTHING!" I now scream in his face making him cower away from me and everyone now stand up from their seats on the lawn and make their way over listening in on our conversation and you know what, let them. Let them know what Ollie has done.

"Ollie? What is he talking about?" Laura now asks with her arms crossed and her red lips pursed together looking scared too. 

I try to look at her and when I do i'm pushed back by Ollie taking me by surprise. "Oh nothing, he's just being silly aren't you?" Ollie says pointing at me, antagonising me making me swing my fist and punch him in the face, I felt a bone crunch under my knuckle signifying that I had just broke his nose.

"Tell them!" I hiss glaring at him, I don't take my eyes off him so I could see his next move. He lunges forward trying to punch me but my instincts kick in and I grab his fist before he could swinging his arm behind his back so he now couldn't move and was in my hold. "Tell them, now." I say one more time.

"You know what?" He asks me trying to look back at me but failing. "She deserved it, she was a little bitch and needed to get out of the way" He half confesses but that wasn't enough for me, I push him hard so he was now on the ground, I then get on top of him and punch him twice now bringing blood to the surface. 

I get up from the position leaving him there to wallow in pity and pain. "Ollie had forced himself onto Becca that night of the party, that's the reason why she left early that night and why she left all together" I confess to everyone, all their eyes wide in shock at the realisation that Ollie is a horrible, nasty human being.

"But she said-" Laura tried to speak up but I shot her down immediately.

"No Becca didn't say anything. It was all Ollie, he threatened that he'd do it again if she ever told the truth" I finally tell everyone the truth, they all had horrified looks on their faces and couldn't even look at Ollie. It literally made me sick to my stomach that all of this had happened and I had no idea until now. I could've stopped it. 

Turning to Ollie who was now sat on the ground instead of laying down I try to lunge at him again but get pulled back by one of the other guys. "It's not worth it mate. It won't change anything" 

"It will help the way I feel" I say back then turn and kick Ollie in his side making him fall again. "Have fun in the hospital. Dickhead" I spit at him then walk away towards my car finally leaving not daring to say anything to anyone else.

Before I could drive off Laura and Nicola had gotten into my car. "What are you doing?" I question them wanting to know why they were in here.

"We didn't know" Nicola speaks up first.

"We're so sorry" Laura says her voice laced in sorrow and guilt. "Where is she?" 

"She's in Cheshire at her aunts place, go find her yourselves i'm not going back" I spit at them just wanting them to get out of my car.

"What? Why?" Nicola asks from the back seat making me turn around in mine to face her.

"Because she found someone else, someone who can look after her better than I can" I reply then turn back around in my seat and hit my steering wheel in frustration at everything that has happened, clenching my jaw I turn to look out my window not wanting to look at them anymore or even say anything else.

"We're sorry Craig. We'll see you soon" I hear Laura's voice from beside me in the passenger seat and I close my eyes not saying anything back and just let them leave my car.

As soon as they were out of my car I put it into drive and sped off back to my place, at least I now beat the crap out of Ollie.

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