Chapter 10 - Fight club.

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Why didn't I stop it? Why didn't I do anything? Why did I let it get this bad?! I knew the plan they had and what they wanted to achieve and by the looks of things, they might have actually gotten what they wanted. We're now stuck in Simon's office in a meeting that isn't even a meeting cause no one is daring to speak, including Simon. This could only mean one thing. It was serious.

I looked around the room at everyone:

Niall was sat lazily with a smug smile on his face, like he had won the battle this time.

Harry next to him biting his nails nervously, looking guilty than ever not daring to look up to anyone. They were on my left.

Louis looking and playing with his nails, looking like he didn't want to be here or be bothered with any of us, with his back turned away from me towards Zayn.

Then zayn. He was just plain angry looking like he wanted to kill someone, preferably Niall.

"This is ridiculous. If we're just going to sit here in silence then I'm going to leave. I planned to go out this afternoon so good luck getting these guys to speak without another argument happening" Louis now snaps pushing his chair back and standing up, making all of us direct our attention on him.

"Louis did you know that Niall was going to do that in the interview? Or if anyone else knew?" Simon finally spoke up after having us here for 20 minutes in silence, he was wanting to know who knew and didn't do anything to stop it from happening.

Technically Louis knew but it's Louis we're talking about and he knows how to use his initiative and brain. "No, I didn't. Niall did this on his own, wether he had help or not is beyond me" His gaze now on Niall giving him a hard stern look, Niall looked somewhat scared of Louis right now.

"Okay Louis, you can go" Simon said acting like a teacher giving him permission to leave to which he did. Lucky him. I couldn't do that I have a guilty conscience which is eating me alive right now.

"Simon..." I started to say but then gulped nervously. Don't back out now Liam, you can do this. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath in preparing myself for whats to come "I knew but not only until the last minute, i'm sorry" I apologise earning a displeasing look from him and an angry glare from Zayn.

"Liam. Why didn't you do anything?" Simon now asks as if I was held accountable for all this happening. Well here goes nothing, I'm about to admit how I feel in front of everyone.

"Because since Becca has been in the picture there has been non stop fighting between Zayn and Niall, I kinda wanted it to happen cause I thought you'd ban Zayn and Niall from seeing and talking to her so that we could go back to the way we were before. I just wanted to focus on the band." I confess all at once not even taking a breath.

"Jesus Liam. You need to breath and slow down when you talk" Zayn now speaks up from the other side of the room now sat on his own.

"Please don't be mad at me Zayn. I was just fed up of the fighting, I never wanted to hurt you intentionally" I turned my body in my chair so I was literally facing him so he knew that I was truly sorry.

"It's cool Liam. You just want the band to stay together" Zayn says like he was now understanding where I'm coming from. "Unlike THAT idiot over there" Zayn shouts referring to Niall.

Niall was quick to jump up trying to defend himself "I did her a fucking favour. She deserves better than you" he snarled.


I was watching with a horrified look on my face, Zayn was now up on his feet squaring up to Niall going into his personal space. "You mean like you?" He laughed sinisterly. "She knows you have a girlfriend Niall. I told her"

Within a second Niall swung his fist punching Zayn in his jaw causing him to stumble back a bit and hold it. Zayn chuckled again like he was egging Niall on or something, did he really want to get punched again?

"Oh and I also told her that I love her" Zayn confesses making Niall lunge at him pushing him down on the floor with a thud, punching him this time on the nose causing it to bleed, Zayn turned them around getting on top having the upper-hand throwing 3 quick punches to his face before getting pulled off by Liam.

Niall went to get up and go for him again but before he could my senses came alive and I grabbed him before he could get close to Zayn. I had his arms around his back holding him in place where as Liam had to put both his arms around Zayn to restrain and detain him.

"Boys. This isn't like you at all, all this fighting and arguing needs to stop now!" Simon shouts at us all now getting out of his seat. "Niall pull anything like this again then I'm sorry, I will be kicking you out of the band. The boys can go on with their career without you" He threatens now making Niall completely still and his face drop in fear and shock.

"Go home and make up. Don't make me do this" Simon warns us and we all follow his instructions, Niall and Zayn pull away from mine and Liam's grasps staring at each other.

"Niall, c'mon" I grab his arm and pull him out with me, he needs to calm down and he can't do that here.

As we pull into the drive I notice Louis car is here. Wait I thought he said he was busy? There's another car here too. Who's is that? That question was finally answered when we walked through the door.


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