Final Chapter - A place to call home

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"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?! WHY ARE YOU SO SELFISH?!" I scream at the top of my lungs at both the girls stood in front of me right now and yet a part of me didn't care that they were crying right now. I'm hurting too.

"Zayn. Stop, please" Becca cries to me to stop yelling at her and even though it hurts me to see her this way because of me, I try to say to myself that I'm hurting because of her. We were just going in a vicious circle right now.

The door opens to a sad Harry and Louis, a confused Liam and Niall with a smug smile on his face which I just wanted to punch right now, he shouldn't be here, he doesn't have the right to be here. I bet he's even loving this right now, it's obvious that this is what he wanted from the second Becca chose me and not him.

Without even thinking I lunge myself at Niall punching him right in the eye making sure it will be bruised. I don't even care about paparazzi asking questions anymore. "This is your fault. ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" I literally couldn't contain myself anymore, I was officially losing it, I had lost my mind.

Liam now stood in front of Niall defending him so I wouldn't be able to touch him again, making me send a death glare to the both of them. "Although Niall has done a lot of stupid shit" Liam started and looked around to the smaller boy with a stern look "I don't think this one has anything to do with him" he finished what he was saying for me to only scoff at his ridiculous opinion. It wasn't needed.

"So you're telling me that everything that has happened has nothing to do with him?! The interview, Simon telling us to stay away from each other. What about her ex turning up eh?! IT'S ALL NIALLS FAULT" I shout at Liam and then try lunge for Niall once again but get stopped by Becca grabbing my arm, her delicate soft touch calming me down instantly.

I turn to her, my gaze now soft on her. "Becca. Please, please don't go. I love you" I try and beg with her one last time and for a second I saw a flash of guilt on her eyes and hope flash in mine.

"It's not that I don't want to stay Zayn. My Auntie is home and everything back where I live is finally better" Becca explains to me and although I understand what she is saying to me, I don't want to hear it. I don't want to lose her.

My heart broke when she didn't say it back. I told her that I love her and she never said it back. "D-do you l-love me?" I ask on the verge of breaking down into tears. This answer right now will change everything completely.

"Of course I do Zayn. I love you with all my heart" Becca looks at me with glistening eyes from all the tears she had cried.

That was definitely what I wanted to hear even if she might be leaving me. I couldn't let her leave without her saying it back. Either way I know I'm going to be heart broken.


Watching Zayn and Becca having to say goodbye is so painful, I had to look away and when I did Harry caught my eye.

All this drama with Becca, Zayn and Niall and being there for her and comforting her I realised that I never had time for me or my love life with Harry. I had been completely selfless and that has now cost me a great guy.

"Harry can I talk to you in private?" I ask shyly and playing with my fingers, I was nervous right now.

He nods his head at me and then we both walk away towards the front door and head outside to talk. It was silent at first, we were both stood under the shelter of the front door just watching and hearing the rain pour down onto the street in front of us.

"So you're leaving then?" Harry was the first to speak up taking me by surprise, I turn my head to him and look at him with remorse and guilt.

It's like he could feel my gaze on him making him turn his head to face me, our eyes now in contact with each other. "Well we should be leaving" I finally say and then turn to look at the rain again, it was showing my emotion right now. "It depends on what Becca does and say" I finally explain to him and once again I was thinking about Becca's needs and wants instead of my own.

"Why do you do that?" Harry questions me and I turn to give him a confused look. "You're so selfless, you're thinking about Becca and not yourself. What do you want Piper?" That question took me aback, no one has ever asked me that before.

I had to think for a little while. What did I actually want? I don't even know what I want.
"I guess. I guess I want to go home" I finally say it aloud. "I know it means leaving everyone behind but I had so much more back at home Harry. The only reason I came here was for Becca" I tell Harry the full story.

Looking towards Harry I notice that he now looks upset. He was probably expecting me to stay here with him, even though I was starting to like Harry even more, I know that it was time for me to go.

The front door now opens revealing Becca and the state she was in, she had tears down her face and her hair was a disheveled mess from running her fingers through it. "Becca I need to tell you something" I state to her and she nods her head probably knowing what I'm about to say. "I'm going to go home. This isn't my place to stay" I finally stand up for myself.

"I understand. I've made my decision too" Becca says and I'm now nervous and uneasy.

"I'm staying with here with Zayn. He is my home"

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