Chapter 11 - Snapped

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I lied to Simon to get out of the meeting. I didn't have any plans at all, I just didn't want to be in there any longer.

As I pull up outside the house that I share with the boys I notice another car on the drive that I don't know of. Who is here? I cannot be bothered with people right now, I'm in such a bad mood after being stuck in that meeting which was completely pointless.

The door opens to this mysterious car and I never in a million years expected to see Katherine right now. Where the hell has she even come from?

"Katherine?" I question my voice going an octave higher than usual. "W-what are you doing here?" I ask taken aback at her presence outside of our house.

"Louis would you care to explain why my boyfriend is telling the whole world that he's single and who this new girl is?" She asks and I could clearly hear the annoyance and anger laced in her voice. This cannot end well.

"Uhh...I think you should come inside" I offer and and walk towards the door unlocking it with Katherine following me. "Tea, coffee?" I ask whilst taking my jacket off and placing it on the back of the couch.

"No thanks" She smiles. "Please Louis, tell me the truth" Katherine kinda begs me now sitting down on the couch looking up to me with her big brown eyes now looking upset.

Before I could say anything the door opens, Harry and Niall now walking in and spotting Katherine sat on the couch, their mouths fall open in surprise and shock but Katherine hadn't noticed them walk in because she was still sat facing me.

She obviously heard the door open but before she could turn around to see them Harry pushed Niall behind the wall so he wasn't in sight of her. "Harry? What are you doing?" She asks bewildered at the younger boy.

"Just came in. I'm gonna head upstairs to my room if you need me" Harry says trying to get out of this awkward encounter and I'm now jealous he doesn't have to deal with telling Katherine what's been going on around here.


When Harry pushed me I ended up tripping over the bottom step of the stairs whacking my knee and fell flat on my butt, I had to stop myself from groaning out in pain otherwise Katherine would hear me and I can't deal with her right now.

"C'mon" Harry whispers grabbing me by my coat and dragging me up the stairs with him as fast as he could, we run into his room and shut the door behind us. He is my life saver right now.

"What the hell is she doing here?" I whisper yell confused and panicked. This can't be happening, she isn't meant to be here. If she finds out what's been going on I'm a dead man I tell you that. This is now too messy.

"I don't know okay, I know as much as you right now Niall" Harry yells back in a whisper so she can't hear us.

"Just get rid of her please!" I beg now in full panic mode. I'll literally do anything right now to get rid of her, I'll deal with this another day, just not today.

"Okay. Okay" Harry whispers back trying to calm me down but it was no use, I was biting my nails being a nervous wreck.

Harry leaves the room leaving me all alone now. I was running my hand through my hair and biting my nails so much i'm pretty sure there will be nothing left by the time he gets back, minutes later Harry comes back into the room now sighing out of relief. "She's gone"

We both let out a breath of relief at the same time relaxing a little but that was the wrong the to do because next thing the door swung open with an angry Louis and a smirking Zayn. I really didn't want to see him right now, he was probably only here to rub this in my face.

"Niall." Louis voice was stern and angry and for once I was scared for my life. "Run" He warned giving me a heads up before lunging himself at me making me yelp in fright and quickly dodge him making him go flying across Harry's room but that didn't stop him because he came running at me again.

This was now a game of chase but not a so nice game cause once i've been caught I know I'm going to be pulverised to a pulp by Louis, I was now running around the whole house avoiding and dodging things just trying to get away from Louis shouting "I'm sorry" every chance I could get.

"What's going on in here?" Liam's voice came from the door making it known he was now here and I knew that he was my safe option, Harry and Zayn would feed me alive to Louis right now.

Running behind Liam I try and explain myself "Katherine showed up and I sorta left Louis to deal with it whilst I hid away from her" I'm now standing behind Liam's back him being my shield right now from the angry Louis, I look over his shoulder petrified at the sight of Louis because if looks could kill I'd be dead in a casket right now.

I was shocked to say the least when Liam now turns around with an angry expression on his face. "What did you just say?" I gulped in fear at the sight in front of me, Liam and Louis wanting to kill me, Harry sat down just watching with a sympathetic look not wanting to get involved at all and then Zayn was sat next to Harry with a smug smile on his face, he was probably getting satisfaction out of watching this right now.

"Umm...I-I-I-I, w-w-w-well I said K-K-Katherine turned u-up" I stuttered nervously to Liam, I just want the ground to swallow me whole right now. Before I could even think about anything Liam had pinned up against the wall gripping both sides of my t-shirt lifting me off my feet not only shocking me but everyone else too, he had this angry look in his eyes and it wasn't faltering one bit. "Liam?" I ask scared.

"This is too messy Niall. You really have fucked up" He glowers down at me and I couldn't help but whimper and cower away in fright.

"I'm sorry, i'll fix it" I apologise and really meaning it this time, I look behind him and see all the guys watching with surprised and shocked faces at this scene right now, even Zayn. Liam had finally snapped. "Zayn, i'm sorry" I apologise to him now too just trying to get out of Liam's death grip.

"You better fix this because it won't be Zayn or Louis or Simon you should be scared of" Liam threatens.

"It will be me"

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