Chapter 16 - The truth hurts

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*DISCLAIMER* The chapter involves sexual assault so skip if you don't want to read that


To say I was confused was an understatement, I had no clue as to what's going on as everyone had now crowded around Becca on the couch pushing me out to the back and blocking her from my vision completely, a part of me was worried, wait let me rephrase that, a lot worried.

Becca was all alone sat with Niall and Katherine as people stood around watching like they were some animal trapped in a zoo. I knew I had to push my way to the front but before I could Piper had come next to me. "She needs help, and whatever you do don't judge her until you hear the full ENTIRE story" Piper exclaims, what? What the hell is going on?

Finally I pushed my way to the front of the sea of people now standing in front of Becca, she looked scared, her eyes were wide and glistening tears threatening to spill over as she was staring at Katherine. "Bec, what's going on?" I finally ask her getting her attention, her head whipping toward me.

"Yeah Bec, tell Zayn why you left home so suddenly" Katherine speaks up making me turn towards her with an evil glare. So that's why her and Niall had a party, to invite us and humiliate us, but now thinking of what she had said I was now confused but intrigued.

Becca just sat there silently not knowing what to do, her mouth kept on opening and shutting as if she knew what to say but couldn't bring herself to do it. "Loss for words? That's okay we have someone here who can help with that. Craig?" Katherine says maliciously looking around for this so called Craig person. Who the hell is he?

"Yeah i'm here" A blonde tall boy comes through making himself known now to everyone who was watching us intently. It's as if this new guy knew what I was thinking cause he then introduced himself to me. "Hey i'm Craig, I'm Becca's ex-boyfriend who she left behind after sleeping with my best friend and breaking my heart. I'm here to sort of get an answer to that" He introduced and explained himself all in one.

I had to process what he had just said, Becca had slept with his best mate and then just up and left him without saying a goodbye. A part of me kinda wants more to that story, I don't want to see my girlfriend as a bad person so I just did what everyone else was thinking hoping she could give me a straight up answer without lying to me. "Becca is that true? You did that and left him?" I ask her.

"No that is not true" She argued back straight away, she was way too defensive which kinda made me think that it could've been true.

Katherine snickered to herself making us now look at her. "C'mon just admit what you've done and apologise to Craig for breaking his heart, this guy was in love with you Becca and you just kicked him to the curb like trash, like shit, like-" Katherine rambled on but I had finally had enough of her.

"Just stop alright!" I shouted at her making her jump in fright and also a few others standing close to me. "Becca please help me get my head around this, I thought you weren't that kind of person" I plead with her making Becca look at me sincere and Katherine snicker at my last comment but I ignored it this time.

Becca now stood up facing me "Zayn I'm not that kind of person trust me. I have never cheated on anyone in my life" she was on the brink of tears as she was saying this to me. "Craig I never told you the full truth because I knew what you would do" Becca is now turned to Craig speaking to him.

That's when I remembered what Piper had told me 'Don't judge until you hear the ENTIRE truth' I had to give her the benefit of the doubt right now.

"What are you talking about? What would I have done?!" Craig now shouts at her creating even more of a scene and Katherine to sit with a smile on her face, where was Niall right now? I thought he would be sat here with her backing her up. Looking around for him I now spot him talking to Piper and he looks shocked to say the least, he now catches my eye and sends me a sympathetic smile with guilty eyes. What has Piper just told him?

"I didn't want to have to do it this way with an audience but you do deserve the truth" Becca starts to say. "Craig I never cheated on you and what Ollie had said was a complete lie. You know me and him never liked each other from when we first met so why would you think I would sleep with him?" She now asks him to which he just shrugs his shoulders at her wanting her to carry on with the truth.


Here goes nothing.

"Me and Craig were at a party one night, I can't even remember who's it was because I was so drunk. The night went on and I lost Craig in the party not knowing where he was when I bumped into Ollie his best friend, me and Ollie never got along because he always thought I was stealing Craig from him he claimed that I was changing Craig. Anyway Ollie had said that he had saw Craig go upstairs so he grabbed my hand leading me up there to find him when in fact that wasn't at all what he was doing" I explained all in one to everyone who was now watching and listening so intensely that you could literally hear nothing but me talking.

"When we got upstairs he shoved me into the first room and began trying to undress me, I told him to stop, I was pushing him away but he kept on trying, he was touching me and I didn't like it. I tried to scream for you Craig but the party was so loud that no one could hear me. Ollie had forced himself on me and then told everyone that I had slept with him, he threatened me saying if I told anyone the truth he would do it again, after he said that I had slept with him and that I cheated on Craig I got bullied so bad and everyone called me a slut and a slag, I couldn't take it anymore so I left, it still hurts." I confess to everyone, looking around some people were shocked, some girls were almost crying, one or two actually crying.

I let out a sigh of relief that I had finally let it out and off my chest but was soon worried again as to what not only what Craig had to say but also Zayn.

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