Chapter 9

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**Deticated to Bookworm6521 because she wanted another chapter and I really liked her poems, check them out!**

Chapter 9

I couldn't help but stare at the scene around me in awe. Never had I thought that I would be surounded by so much family. Everyone acted normal towards me and included me as if I had always been there. Especially Sage and Asha...

Dispite my earlier worries, both Sage and Asha appeared to be my kind of girls...In the past fifteen minutes I have found out a lot about them...enough too know that I would have to keep an eye out. The twins liked to play pranks and often would do things when you least expected. Luckily for me they seemed to like me and had asked me numerous times over the past few hours if I wanted to participate. This was one of those times...

"So I was thinking it should be Adeke this time." Asha said darkly, rubbing her manicured hands together.

"Ooo! It's so his turn! We still haven't got him back for last time." Sage agreed, smirking at me.

After a quick glance at my hot mate I instantly got interested. "Last time?"

"Where do you think we learned our wickedness?" Sage asked me, raising a single eyebrow at me...I guess that ran in the family. Weird.

Asha rolled her eyes at our sister before explaining. "I think it was about three months ago when he did it. Stupid man found a minor Nature Gaea to come in and transform all my clothes black..."

"And my clothes pale pink..." Sage finished shuddering.

Nature Gaea? Transforming the color of clothes? Wow, I was in way over my head!

"Anyway...we, well I thought this time we could do something simplier..." Asha's odd golden brown eyes began to eye me up and down mischievously.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked giggling at my sister. I already knew, by the look in her eye, that Adeke might kind of like this.

"I think we have the perfect idea. We will need some help..." Sage looked around her and spotted Leslie chatting away with our mom. Asha looked at her twin, grabbed her arm and took off to the other side of the giant, yet cozy room. I laughed at my sisters' excitement and I was shocked at the small place they had already found in my heart. It was weird to know them so well when I just met them...

Shaking the confusing thoughts from my head I took advantage of the moment of solitude. I was finally able to take in the area around me. Although they called it a lounge, to me it reminded me of an oversized livingroom. Half the room was filled with soft, plush brown colored couches surrounding a huge flat screen t.v. while the other half was family oriented. Gaming area, with pool table, foozeball, luxurous bar...Pretty much everything you didn't really need to have in your house, but I was sure glad that they did. Or is it we did? Did this stuff now somehow belong to me?

"Hey beautiful." Adeke whispered in my ear, startling me out of my thoughts and causing a shiver to run down my spine. I turned to him, an instant smile on my face. Adeke's green eyes darkened as he took in my features. "You really are beautiful..."

"Whatever..." I rolled my eyes at him but found myself blushing none the less.

"So I think the plan for the rest of the night is simple. Dinner. Family movie night. Bed." he said pulling me flush against his body at the word 'bed'. With his body hugging mine I almost wanted to agree with him. Almost...I wasn't ready for all that yet. The big word being yet...

"Bed?" I asked smirking at him.

"Yeah, you know...sleeping." he grinned his stunning smile down at me.

I giggled at him before answering, "Where am I sleeping?"

"With me." Adeke said confidently.

"Says who?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Me. Oh, and the whole mate thing...Our connection won't have it any other way." he shrugged it off as common knowlege. Not sure if he was telling the truth I made a point to ask one of the girls about this mate stuff later...

"Okay well I'm up for dinner and a movie." I finally said.

"Well, I'm up for the whole bed idea." Adeke just had to throw that one in there...

"I'm sure you are, horndog!" I laughed, nudging him with my shoulder.

His only response was to do his sexy chuckle and lead me over to where my mom and dad stood talking quietly to each other. When they noticed us approaching they instantly stopped talking and faced us. I wonder what they were talking about?

I gave my mom a questioning look which she answered with a sly wink... 

Okay, weird right?

In the corner of my eye I saw Sage, Asha, and Leslie all talking together quietly just like mom and dad just were. Sage saw me looking and grinned, giving me a thumbs up.

Oh yeah, the prank on Adeke! I guess mom and dad are in on it Leslie...

I took a look at Leslie and I instantly wished I hadn't agreed to this prank on my mate. Because Leslie's innocent look told me one thing and one thing only......trouble.

******Yay! Okay please let me know what you guys thought about this chapter? I'm not real sure but oh well it's up now....I'm sorry I couldn't write more but I have to go to sleep. I work 3rd shift and I am up waay past my bedtime thanks to this! lol. Oh well I had more fun doing this than sleeping!!

Oh and the prank...I haven't decided exactly how to do it yet so you will have to watch for the update to find out!

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~jynx <3

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