Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Okay what now?" I asked, halting both men in their tracks.

"Well...we don't really know..." Adeke confessed.

"Do I at least get to meet the rest of my family?" I said, my voice strong. Inside, I didn't feel as strong. I hadn't realized until just then how much I wanted to meet them all. How much I wanted a family...

"Oh, yes of course!" Adai answered quickly. "I was only saying that because of who you are we will have to wait to introduce you to Gaea society...well at least until you have had some training."

Relief flooded through me, glad to still be meeting my family. It was short lived because my brain finally caught up to my brother's words..."What do you mean training?"

"There are just going to be some things you need to know about us before meeting the cats is all." Adai answered. "Mostly legalities and responsibilities but there will be some physical training as well. As a Princess of Cats and the mate of the Prince of Summer, you will be popular to say the least. Anahi, you will be one of the most envied women of our kind.

"As a Princess of Cats specifically, you must be strong. Women of our kind are expected to be that way. We will teach you to fight, we will have too. You must also learn to shift...but I think that is a topic best saved for when a woman is here to do it..." Adai trailed off blushing slightly.

I was curious as to why me shifting into a cat would make him blush. I thought about it briefly before leading them into the living room. I sat down on the couch and was a little disappointed when Adeke sat down at the other end instead of right next to me. I glared at him silently for several moments before he felt my stare. He turned his beautiful green eyes my way and smirked.

"Yes Love?" he asked as he saw my angry expression.

"Why are you all the way down there?" I hissed at him. I heard Adai chuckling in the background but ignored him.

"Oh, now you care." he said, sounding a little child-like.

I held back a laugh as I answered him. "Aww, is Adeke a little jealous now?"

"No." He looked away from me.

"No?" I smirked to myself, knowing he was lying.

"Okay, a little bit." he mumbled. I found something really sexy in the way he got so embarrassed about it. Unable to stop myself, I crawled down the length of the couch to get closer to Adeke. I watched him from under my eyelashes and almost laughed at the shocked expression on his face.

Lust quickly changed his features as I got closer to him. I watched as his pupils grew almost instantly and his summery scent grew stronger. Heat ratiated from his body, drawing me closer to him. On impulse I crawled into his lap, stradling him. His hand imeadiately circled my waist, pulling me to him.

"I'm sorry that I am possissive of you." he growled to me.

"I'm not." I leaned in closer to his ear, inhaling his scent. "I think it is sexy." I purred.

His hands gripped my waist tighter at my words. I sighed at the feeling and was about to say more to him before I heard Leslie screaming at us...again.

"Anahi! Good lord girl, give me a break! Do you two always have to be all over each other!" She yelled from the doorway. Looking at her I could see the glint in her eyes telling me she was joking. I instantly smiled at her causing her to smile back. I love my sister...

"Well, hello..." she said smiling, her eyes suddenly finding Adai's. I watched in amusement as she openly checked out my brother. "Adeke, babe. Who did you bring with you?"

I chuckled, still in Adeke's lap. "Lez, honey, this is my brother Adai. Adai, this is my lovely foster sister Leslie."

"Seriously! Anahi, god how come you are so damn lucky! First, you get this stud muffin..." she paused in her rant to gesture to Adeke. "Then you go and tell me that this hott ass man is your brother! Oh come on..." she whinned, sulking over to have a seat opposite us on the couch. Leslie never was one to think before she talked so what she said was no surprise to me.

"Hott? Huh, I've never been called hott before...So Leslie is it? Adai.." my brother got out of the chair to stand before Leslie. He took her hand in his before bringing it up to his lips. After placing a kiss to the top he continued, "It is a pleasure to meet you, beautiful."

I watched as Leslie blushed brightly before giggling. I watched as her blonde curls bobbed with her movement. She turned to look at me saying, "Nevermind, you can have Adeke. I want him all to myself."

I laughed at her comment, "Lez, you never would have got him anyway." I nodded to Adeke.

"Oh I know, but it never hurt to hope." she winked at me. I laughed again as I watched her eyes stay glued to Adai's butt on the way back to his seat. "What? He's got a nice ass."

"Thanks!" Adai said.

"So, where is the rest of your family?" Lez, never the one to draw anything out...

"Well...that's just it. We couldn't all come here together, it would be too noticable. Mom wanted to come but I thought of another idea. We would all like to know if you would come live with us?" Adai asked turning his attention back to me.

"What? Why?" I asked, unable to stop the words from coming out my mouth.

"Protection. Well, and teaching you our ways. Mom says that she just wants you back home...the rest of us just want the chance to get to know you." Adai answered honestly.

"I don't know..." I truely didn't know. I couldn't leave Leslie after all we had been through. Plus, what about school. Do I just stop going? Would they like me? I've never really lived with so many people and it really made me nervous. Come on, it's not like anything could really go wrong...

"Listen this way I can see you more..." Adeke added running his hands through my hair, causing a sigh to escape my lips.

"Leslie can come with you." Adai added winking at Lez.

"She can?" I asked, instantly happy.

"If she wants too, yes." Adai eyed Leslie, pretty much asking her. She nodded happily at me and I made up my mind.

"Let's do it."

Closer to there too...what could be better?


Thank you to everyone still reading this!

You guys are awsome!

I'm really having fun with this1

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