Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

    I seemed stuck. My eyes couldn't help but be glued to the brightly tiled table in front of me. Some part of me recognized the fact that my friend Leslie had been trying to tell me something she deemed important, but for some reason everything around me seemed unimportant. I don't know why I had agreed to come to this cheezy Mexican restaurant. I always thought it was one of the worst in town…

    Of course there is no telling Leslie that. She seems to swear up and down that this place sells the best burritos and margaritas. Which is crap to me, a margarita isn’t a margarita without the Jose. I love tequila but I hate cheap tequila…

    “Anahi are you even listening to what I am saying?” Leslie interrupted my thoughts snapping her dainty fingers in front of my face. My stare suddenly shifted to her almost irritated.

    I raised an eyebrow at her before answering bluntly, “No not really.”

    “Urg! Anahi, I’m trying to tell you something important but for some reason you want to stay in your own pissy ass head!” Leslie raised her hands in exasperation before thumping them on the table in front of her.

    Again I found myself zoning out on her. I watched as her margarita glass wobbled dangerously close to the edge of the table. The almost thawed, vile drink splashing onto the table below. Time seemed to slow down even more as I continued to stare at the glass as it got closer and closer to tipping over.

    Steadily I reached out a hand to stabilize the glass, but before I could touch it Leslie whisked it back. I turned to look at her once again and cringed at the sight of her taking a drink of the nasty stuff.

    I am not sure how long I sat there this time. All I know is that Leslie's mouth kept moving and I kept staring.

     “Anahi!” Leslie near screamed at me her blue eyes glaring at me.

    “What!” I screamed back at her and immediately she cringed back as if I slapped her. “Sorry Lez I am just really out of it. I can’t seem to concentrate on anything. Maybe I am getting sick…” I trailed off as the weird fog on my brain came back and I zoned out yet again.

    A shiver went down my spine and my eyes instantly snapped to the door. The fog that clouded my brain was gone, but in it's place was a strange nervous feeling. 

    Why was I so nervous? It wasn't as if I was expecting anyone to join Lez and I. It wasn't like I really knew anyone but her anyway...Why did I get this gut feeling that I truly was waiting on sombody? My whole body felt tuned into that door.

    The door remained closed but for some reason I stared at it as if I was waiting for someone to walk through it any minute. In the back of my mind I could hear Leslie trying to get my attention again but my eyes remained glued to the door behind her.

                I don’t know how long it was that I sat there staring at the door, I do know that Leslie had finally given up all hope of gaining my attention and elected to sitting back to watch the door herself. Suddenly, my breath hitched in my throat and warmth spread through my body as if I was standing in the summer sun instead of inside a barely heated building in the dead of winter. My eyes remained transfixed on the door as it slowly creaked open.

                “Finally!” I jumped up from my seat just as the door stopped opening.

                “Um Anahi were you waiting on someone, because I thought that it was just the two of us today?” Lez voice broke through the fog and I flicked my eyes to her in a glare.

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