Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"What?! There's no way they are mates...she's human!" Terrina yelled pointing at Leslie.

Leslie ignored the crazy fiancee, still staring at Adai. "Adai? What's going on?"

"Mates? I would know if she was my mate right?" Adai looked down at the floor confused and completely ignoring Leslie.

"Not necessarily." Mom spoke up. All eyes in the room shot to her. "Have you touched yet? Skin to skin." She asked the two.

Adai and Leslie looked at each other wide eyed before they both shook their heads.

"Leslie can be both human and Gaea. Remember that we have been mating for centuries. Yes, Adai you are royalty and can only mate with Gaea but if Leslie has just a little Gaea blood, it will start surfacing just as Anahi's did." Mom tried to explain.

"No. I've never heard of that happening to any mated human. He is to be my mate. I am Gaea and will be the next Queen of Cats." Terrina still tried to protest.

"I'm just confused..." Leslie mumbled.

"No Animal Royalty has mated a human because they all change into Gaea...after the mating that is." Asha explained simply.

"But...Adeke said that when he first saw Anahi it was like he was hit by a train and everything stopped. I didn't feel that when I saw Leslie..." Adai looked worried as he gestured to my mate.

I shimmered back into my normal form, somehow still wrapped around Adeke, odd..."Lez just touch him. Get it over with, I was a little busy before you came yelling at my door and would kind of like to get back to it."

"Agreed." Adeke rumbled, slipping his arm around my waist and putting his face to my neck. His lips grazed my skin and I couldn't help the soft purring that escaped me.

"Eww. Please stop with the PDA." Molly's annoying voice broke through my 'Adeke bubble'. Of course I couldn't stop the hiss that I directed her way. Stupid Barbie.

"Okay, enough Girls." Mom sighed exasperated. "Adai just touch her already so we can get rid of these two." She waved her hand in the general direction of Terrina and Molly.

"But..." Adai started to protest. Leslie didn't really hive him a choice, suddenly reaching out and grabbing ahold of Adai's hand. An audible gasp escaped my brother before a huge smile broke out on his face and he pulled Lez into his arms fully. "Mine." He whispered softly.

"Wow. Anahi, I understand now..." Lez told me, moaning at Adai's claim over her.

"This seriously can't be happening...." Terrina muttered angrily, her pale face red.

"Yeah, so guess what this means for you two?" Sage taunted the two women, waving her fingers at them. "Bye, bye, barbies!"

"I might have felt sorry for you, if only you weren't such bitches..." Asha said to them.

"Just wait until my father hears about this!" Terrina yelled, turning on her heel and stomping out of the lounge. Molly glared at me once more before following her friend out the door.

"Thank Gaea my son doesn't have to marry that brat!" Mom collapsed into one of the sofas sighing deeply.

"I'll drink to that!" Dad suddenly said bursting through the door that the Barbies just left through, carrying a bottle of champagne.

"Yeah, yeah!" Sage sang, arms in the air causing us all to chuckle at her antics.

"Wow..." Asha muttered, clearly not impressed.

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