Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"So, how long is this walk anyway?" I asked Adeke. We had been walking for a good five minutes. Although the hallway first apeared kind of dark and scary. It didn't take long before we rounded a corner and met a well lit corridor. Crown molding and plush cream carpets made the hallway a little less daunting...only a little less.

"Not too much longer." Adeke smiled down at me patiently. I could only huff and continue walking next to him. Damn, why do we have to walk for so long? This is just crazy because there has to be another way into the 'palace'! How do you bring furniture down this way? Or groceries for that matter!

Adeke chuckled next to me, bringing me out of my mental rant..."What?" I asked him.

"You're mumbling to yourself."

"And?" I challenged him.

"Nothing, it's cute." He smirked down at me.

"Oh..." I smiled, slightly embarrassed. I looked back up the hall just in time to see Mom and Leslie make a sharp right turn, dissapearing out of sight. "Oh, please tell me that means we are close to the end?"

"Yes, Miss. Impatient." he laughed.

I only glared at him and walked faster, just knowing that the end of this hallway was coming made me excited. I figured that if Mom and Adai liked me, the others would too...right?

"Wait, slow up Anahi." Adeke said a few steps behind me. I shivered at my name on his lips but ignored it. I did slow down for him to catch up though when I reached the corner. When he reached me, I couldn't help but be in awe. His bright green eyes captured mine, causing me to stop walking. I raised an eyebrow at him as a sly grin spread across his face, showing me his straight white teeth.

"How do you do that?" He pointed at my face.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Raise your eyebrow like that." He proceeded to try and mimic my eyebrow and could only come up with looking like a crazy person. I laughed at his attempt when he started looking up, trying to see his own eyebrows.

"Okay enough. Please, don't try that again." I said still laughing and clutching at my stomach. He straightened out his face and chuckled with me. Adeke took my hand in his, causing familiar fire to run up my arm, and led us around the corner. Ahead of us stood a white door that for some reason I was nervous about aproaching. Adeke must have felt my hesitation because he squeesed my hand and tugged me forward. As we got closer to the door I began to hear familar voices coming from the other side.

"Would you guys just back up away from the door!" Adai yelled.

"Your brother is right! Girls, move back!" Mom added. A deep chuckle came through as well, I could only guess that it was my father. I could hear female huffs and mumbled complaints retreating from the door so I guess it was safe to come in now.

I nudged Adeke ahead of me, hoping that he would go in first. He shocked me by pulling me against him for a quick but satisfying kiss. He let me go, grinning at my shocked expression. "Come on."

Unable to protest, I followed Adeke up through the door. I think I had two seconds to take in the sight in front of me before two people tackled me in a hug. I caught a glimpse of them but nothing that could tell me anything about them until they let me go...The two girls were quickly pried off of me by Adeke and Adai. I looked over to Adeke and the girl he held in his arms, my eyes caught his and he quickly let go of her and came over to me. He only smirked at my jelousy, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Anahi, eww. I don't like Adeke that way." My eyes left Adeke's to see a teenage girl that had to be one of my sisters. Athough she was younger we all looked strikingly similar. I smiled at her appearance:  short, cropped, dark hair; tight long black t-shirt dess with gray leggings under. Add in her scuffed combat boots and she looked like the perfect hellion.

"Sage, you know she can't help it." I looked at my other sister. She truly was the complete opposite of Sage. She looked like your typical highschool bombshell. Pretty white top and designer jeans made her look like a model. The smirk on her face and happy gleam in her eye gave her a little extra beauty though.

"Asha, mind your own business." Sage countered.

"Girls! Enough." My father said from out of my vision. I turned taking in the sight of a dignified and handsome older man. Adai and him resembled each other greatly...

Sage and Asha giggled behind me. I instantly knew that this was a game to get on our parent's nerves.

"Anahi, I'm sorry they are being so crazy today." My father pulled me into a hug, lifting me off the ground. I giggled as he squeezed me and felt all the tension from the past couple days leave me. My family seemed to instantly accept me, even though I hadn't really got chance to get in a word amongst them.

I suddenly found myself out of my dad's arms and wrapped in another set. Adeke. Dispite my shock I could instantly feel the fire burning through my body at his touch. I wanted to be mad at Adeke for taking me from my dad, but he felt too good against me to protest. Plus, I understood his possessiveness, in a way...

My dad laughed behind me before saying, "I remember that stage. I couldn't stand having my mate away from me." To prove a point he pulled mom to him, crashed his lips to hers.

A loud chorus of 'ewws' and 'gross' came from my brother and sisters around me. Leslie giggled off to the side, I almost forgot she was there...

 Adeke's response was to turn my head to his and crash his lips to mine. My body automatically melted into his and the heat he brought with him. It really wasn't too hard to ignore another round of protests from the others, including my parents.  

*Thank you everyone who is reading this! I am loving this story and can't wait to write more! To be honest, I'm glad the introductions are over...well for the most part. One more main character will pop up...will he/she like Anahi as much as every one else does?

Please comment and vote!!!

~jynx <3

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