Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Okay, this is it. All I have to do is get out of the car and go into the house. This should be easy, right? Well, not for me. Luckily, Adeke had enough sense to send Adai ahead while Lez, Adeke and I stayed behind in the car. 

"Are you ready, Love?" Adeke asked from my right. 


"Oh come on Anahi, this is just silly. You're just sitting here in this dark ass car worried 'bout nothing. Let's go I've gotta pee." Leslie proceeded to grab my hand and pull me out her side of the car. I followed along tugging at my trapped wrist as we got closer and closer to the door. 

My mind went into overdrive and all I could think of was would they approve of me? Would my sisters like me? Hell, would I even like them... 

It's funny how your mind can instantly go blank when something shocks you. Well, in my case it is someone. One minute I am standing there fighting against Leslie and the next I was staring face to face with my real mother.  

One look at the woman in the doorway and I could tell she was my mother. We shared the same dark luxurious hair, big brown eyes, and full lips. I watched her wearily waiting for her reaction, as she took in my features as well. 

" really is you!" My mother quickly closed the distance between us and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I hesitantly put my arms around her slim frame and hugged her back. She quickly pulled back and put me at arms length, again taking in my features.  

I couldn't help the grin from forming on my face as I looked at the happy woman in front of me.  

"Hey! Sofia, where is my hug?" Adeke said coming up to my side. 

"No hug for you, boy. I'm still not happy with you!" My mother responded, shaking a finger at him. 

"Me? What did I do?" Adeke asked smirking at her. 

"You know what you did, now come on inside before the rest of them show up." My mother turned around mumbling something about Adeke mating with her daughter and the odds of that happening... 

"Hey I can't help it if fate decided to have a sense of humor! You know you wanted another son!" Adeke laughed as he grabbed my hand and following her through the doorway. Luckily I was able to shake off the fire coursing through my arm at his touch and grabbed at Leslie's hand before we got a step inside the door, pulling her along behind me.  

"Ha! You might as well have been a much as you are here. Anahi, don't listen to Adeke's ramblings. We welcome everyone into our home, even though sometimes I wish we didn't." She winked at Adeke. 

It was strange, that one little wink. Although I knew it was only friendly banter I couldn't help the small hiss that escaped my lips. My eyes widened in shock and I know my face turned an ugly red color. My mother didn't seem to mind to much though. In fact she only winked at me and chuckled to herself. 

"Great way to make an impression Anahi!" Leslie whispered behind me. I attempted to elbow her into being quiet but she only laughed at me.  

"She is my daughter and she will be loved anyway. Anahi, I missed so much in your life...but it seems that you have grown up beautifully. We will have plenty of time to get to know each other so our first impressions won't really matter." My mother pulled me into another hug. This hug was much more relaxed, compared to our last one. Before she pulled away she whispered in my ear nervously, "I missed you,baby. Can you please call me Mom?" 

Unable to reply I only nodded my consent before I pulled away smiling. Mom...Wow, I have a mom. A real one, not one of the foster moms who got paid to watch me. 

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