Chapter 5

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I know what you’re thinking. I’m stupid to just forgive him after what he did - but I don’t forgive him. He really hurt me and it will take a long time to heal from that kind of rejection, but he just keeps doing these absolutely adorable things. Although I can’t sit with him in Physics anymore, we still sit together in French class and Math class and he just makes me laugh and smile and melt inside. What’s not to love?!

And so, as I walk towards the auditorium for the first West Side Story rehearsal, I feel both excited and anxious. It’s great that we can spend more time together but we don’t get much of a chance with Elisha around. 

As I push the doors open, the sounds of piano scales, vocal warm-ups and general chit-chat can be heard and I know that I am home. I can see Sam is at the piano, warming up with his girlfriend. Ariel and Lyla, who I later found out are playing Velma and Graziella, are sitting near them cackling about something that’s probably to do with their nails. I recognise some of the Jet guys as Ashton, Ricky and Justin from the football team and some of the shark guys are Elliott and Ryder from my math class. Other than that, these people are strangers.

Unsure of where to sit, I put my school bag down beside a couple of girls at the side of the stage. One of them is obviously a dancer and is sitting in the splits while her friend is texting. She looks slightly Spanish with tanned skin and brown hair in spiraling curls, whereas her friend has long blonde hair that shimmers in the stage lights. 

“Hey,” says the dancer, “You’re Melody, right? Your audition was awesome!” she enthuses. 

“Thanks,” I say, smiling. It’s nice to finally meet someone friendly on the cast list. 

“I wish I could sing like you,” she breathes, “I managed to persuade Mrs Escott to let me only sing one song for my audition since I didn’t want any big numbers so I just sang the chorus of ‘America’ and danced the rest.”

“Oh, cool. Which part are you playing?”

“I’m playing Rosalia. She has the best dance part,” she admits. She pokes her friend in the arm, who looks up in surprise. 

“Oh, hey,” she greets me, “Sorry that was so rude of me! I’m playing Consuela. I really didn’t want to sing so I just auditioned for the best speaking part. I’m Cassie and this is Sienna.” She signals to her friend who smiles back at me. 

Suddenly, the back doors open and Mrs Escott sweeps in majestically, looking like she has just arrived from India in an orange sari and multiple purple scarves. Only her blonde hair and pale skin give her away. I will warn you now, her dress sense is very peculiar. I once saw her wear red cowboy boots with a poodle skirt and baggy jumper. That was back in her texan-accessory phase. 

“Attention please, students!” she claps her hands with a flourish. Conversations die down until everyone is facing her. “Congratulations to all of you for getting parts in the first ever Rosedale High musical. This truly is a moment to be cherished.” I could swear her eyes go misty for a second. She’s pretty emotional all the time. “Today I would like to start with the lovely scene between Anita and Maria where Anita alters the dress for her friend.”

Cassie nudges my arm and mouths ‘Good luck’ to me as I move to the centre of the stage to stand with Elisha. Everyone else clears off the stage so that it is just me and her. I get the feeling that if Mrs Escott wasn’t here, I would probably get a repeat of the whole ‘you stole my part’ and hair-pulling thing. Luckily, she restrains herself but her eyes say it all. I am dead to her. 

The teacher calls for the other students to sit down and revise the scripts she has just given out, then sits in the front row seat. Elisha and I pick up our scripts and flick to the right page. All I have to do is beg for ‘Anita’ to alter my dress into something more fashionable. Easy. 

“Whenever you’re ready, girls,” Mrs Escott says as Elisha and I get into position. I spend a couple of seconds practising my spanish accent in my head and then begin the scene. 

“Por favor, Anita. Make the neck lower!” I beg, clutching her arm. She shrugs me off. 

“Stop it, Maria,” she hisses, a little too maliciously for Anita, but I continue. It’s not my fault if my co-stars can’t keep up with me. 

“One inch. How much can one little inch do?” 

“Too much.” 

“Anita, it is now to be a dress for dancing, no longer for kneeling in front of an altar!” 

“With those boys, you can start in dancing and end up kneeling.” At this line, I hear Justin wolf whistle. Elisha winks at him. Ugh, I want to be sick. 

We continue the scene until the point where Anita helps Maria into the dress. I am midway through my line when I feel a jagged pain shoot up my side. I squeal in shock and see a bead of scarlet blood trickle down from a pin lodged in my side. 

“Oh my goodness! Melody, what did you do?” Elisha exclaims innocently, “You must have caught yourself on one of the pins!”

“Melody, you must be careful!” Mrs Escott scolds me, “That is the only dress we have for you so you cannot ruin it!” 

My cheeks burn with embarrassment as I hear giggling in the audience. I bravely pull the pin out of my waist and glare at Elisha. She knows who put it there and so do I but I cannot sink to her level. Cassie and Sienna appear in the wings with handfuls of tissues to soak the blood.

“That little bitch just stabbed you with a pin!” Sienna cries in indignation, “You can’t just let her get away with it!” I shake my head. 

“She’ll never own up and I’ll just get in more trouble,” I say in defeat. Sienna is furious, though. She’s practically shaking with rage. I can tell she’s debating with herself whether she should tell Mrs Escott but I can see she’s holding back. 

“If she tries anything like that again then I will have her head on a spike,” she threatens. I’m a little bit scared myself but it feels so good to have someone looking out for me. 

The director claps her hands and I get back into position to carry on with the scene. Before we start, Elisha leans over to me with her smug look. 

“Better watch out, Pointer, I got plenty more pins,” she whispers menacingly. 

“You can stick pins in me as much as you like but that doesn’t change the fact that I am Maria and I beat you. I won,” I retort and swish across the stage. 

“Carry on with the scene, please, girls,” Mrs Escott commands. I take a deep breath and launch back into the play. 

“I will be the only one there in white,” I complain. Elisha spins me round to face the imaginary mirror. I gasp in surprise and swing round to face her. Although even the thought of it disgusts me, I hug her as I say my line. It’s what the script says after all. 

“Ah si! It is a beautiful dress! I love-” Suddenly, I feel a rush of cold air as the dress falls to my feet. I am standing on stage in nothing but my underwear in front of nearly fifty people. There is a moment of silence as everyone tries to take in what has just happened. I want to die. Then, the whole auditorium bursts into laughter, I desperately try to fasten the dress up again and Sienna charges across the stage, tackles Elisha to the floor and starts slapping her shouting “You’re just jealous because Melody’s better than you!” and what I assume are swear words in Spanish. 

This is going to be harder than I thought.


This chapter is dedicated to Gg_Stories for being an amazing fan and a lovely person! Thanks for all your support! Don't forget to vote and follow me for more updates soon! 

-Selena xxx

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