Chapter 19

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I spend the next week feeling completely torn. I don’t want to leave everyone I care about for six months but I can’t pass up such an amazing opportunity. My parents aren’t making it any easier. As soon as the papers came through, my mom knew that I had to do it - I get all my ambition from her. She used to be a singer and released a few albums back in the nineties but had to stop when she had me. I don’t know if you’ve heard of Melissa Rose Bexley? That was her name before she married my dad. I was given ‘Rose’ as my middle name because she hoped that I would inherit her singing voice and ambition - I think it worked.

Despite mom being so keen, my dad is still reluctant. He doesn’t have the same ambition that my mom and I share. He was mom’s sound technician when she was releasing her albums so he was never that involved in ‘show business’. He understands what a big deal it is for me but he’s worried about my safety. Neither mom or dad can come with me because of their jobs so it would just be me, Nathan and the agent that he’ll find for me if I accept. Also, I’d be away from school for six months and, even though I want to be on Broadway, both my mom and dad agree that I have to finish high school before I can study performing arts. 

I told Cassie and Sienna about the offer the day the papers arrived. They seemed super excited until I told them about me leaving for six months, then they stopped screaming and bouncing. Sienna thought I should go - you only get these sorts of opportunities once in a lifetime. Cassie agreed but nearly cried at the thought of me leaving. I can’t even begin to imagine how painful it would be to leave my best friends and family for such a long time. 

After school, my parents sit me down to talk about it. I sit on one of the sofas with my mom while my dad paces near the mantelpiece. I’m not really sure what to expect but I can’t say it’s looking too good. 

“Your dad and I have been talking a lot about this,” my mom says slowly. I look from her to my dad - they both look really serious so I’m guessing their answer is no. I feel a pang of regret but there’s no point trying to argue about it. 

“We called Mr Cruz a few times to check up on some of the details about where you’d be staying and who would be with you,” my dad continues. 

“He assured us that you’ll have your own trailer and there are plenty of people around on set to look after you. Also there are other kids your age in the film who will look after you as well,” my mom tells me, smiling. I think over what she has said and look up at my dad who is also smiling at me. 

“Sweetie, we’ll let you go to California if that’s what you want,” my dad announces. I sit still for a second, unable to move. My parents look at each other with concern, then I leap up and hug them both. 

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I squeal, bouncing up and down. Wow, Cassie and Sienna have really worn off on me. My parents laugh and pull me into a hug. 

“I can’t believe my little girl is going to be in a film,” my mom says, tearing up a little and kissing my head. “I’m so proud of you, sweetie.” 


The next day, I find Cassie and Sienna to tell them the news. They are getting books from their lockers and look up when I approach. 

“Hey, Melody! Have you heard anything from your parents?” Cassie asks anxiously. I stay silent for a second of suspense - I’m practising being dramatic ready for my onscreen debut. 

“Yeah,” I say breezily as if it’s no big deal. 

“Well?” Sienna prompts, impatiently. “What did they say?”

“Oh, not much. Just that I’m going to California to be in a film!” I announce. Cassie and Sienna scream in piercing unison, attracting some strange looks from the other students. They bounce and hug me and cry just as I expected. I’m so super excited to be going but I know I’m going to miss my two best friends like crazy. 

“I’m so happy for you but I can’t believe you’re leaving!” Cassie says, wiping the tears off her face. “When are you going?”

“On Friday,” I tell them. 

“We’ll come and see you off at the airport. And you have to promise to email us and text us every day,” Sienna orders me, “No, every hour! Every minute!” she corrects herself and her eyes fill with tears. 

“Sienna are you crying?” Cassie asks in disbelief.

“No,” Sienna squeaks, “My eyes are just… sweaty.” We laugh and I pull them in for another group hug. The whole thing just feels so surreal. Then, just when I least expect it, Sienna drops a bombshell.

“Have you told Sam yet?” Those five words echo through my mind as I realise that in all the excitement I had completely forgotten about Sam. 

“No,” I answer slowly, “Do you think I should?” There is a second of silence as my two friends stare at me in disbelief at my stupid question. 

“Uh, yeah!” they command in unison. 

“What, did you think he wasn’t going to notice that you were leaving for six months?!” Sienna teases me.

“No,” I correct her, “I was hoping I could hop on the plane before I got the chance to tell him…” I trail off guiltily. They both give me a disapproving look. You know, with the eyebrows and everything. “Fine, I’ll tell him when I next see him. But I don’t even know what to say!” I protest, “I can’t just walk up to him and say ‘Hey sorry for totally ignoring you when you told me you loved me, oh and by the way I’m leaving on Friday and won’t be back for six months. See you in half a year!’” 

“I don’t think you should say that,” Cassie says quietly. 

“Yes, thank you. I think I got that,” I say sarcastically, “But what should I say?”

“Well, I guess you’re going to have to figure that out,” Sienna says, spinning me around to face Sam at his locker. I groan to myself as she pushes me in his direction and calls ‘Good luck!’ before running away with Cassie in tow. I edge towards him slowly, trying to plan what to say but getting nowhere. 

“Um, hey Sam,” I greet him awkwardly. He grunts in response but doesn’t look up from his locker. Despite his rather rude greeting, I carry on. “I, uh, have some news.” 

“Oh yeah?” he replies nonchalantly. I’m starting to get kind of annoyed now. 

“It’s pretty big news,” I announce, trying to get his attention but in vain. He just carries on loading books into his locker. Well, if this is how he’s going to treat me then I don’t care about trying to spare his feelings. 

“I’m going to California for six months to be in a film.” That gets his attention. He freezes, his hand halfway to grabbing a book. He glances at me to make sure I’m serious. I stare right back. 

“When are you leaving?” he asks quietly. I feel guilty for blurting that out so suddenly now. God, I can never do anything right when I’m around him. 

“I’m leaving on Friday,” I reply just as quietly. He looks back to his locker, obviously upset that I didn’t tell him sooner. “Cassie and Sienna are coming to see me off at the airport. It would really mean a lot to me if you were there, too.” He shuts his locker and starts to walk with me trailing behind. 

“Are you sure you want me there?” he asks bitterly. Now that stings. 

“Is this about what happened after the performance because you didn’t even give me a chance to say anything-” I start but he cuts me off. 

“I didn’t need to stick around to know the answer. You obviously weren’t interested,” he states. Tears well up in my eyes for the second time today. 

“You got it all wrong! I was just so shocked and you ran away before I could tell you that I-“

“Just stop!” he interrupts me again. “You don’t have to spare my feelings. I get it. You don’t like me like that.”

“But I do!”

“Just stop it, Melody.” He starts to walk away from me so I just shout at the back of his head.

“My flight leaves at eleven thirty.” Not that he’d even be there. 

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