Chapter 13

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Ever since the whole ‘Elisha-kisses-Sienna’s-boyfriend-and-gets-slapped’ incident I have been just waiting for her revenge. She’s obviously not finished with me. I get the feeling that there is a lot more she has planned. 

Cassie and Sienna have been trying to look out for me but I’m worried about them - they’re the ones who have the most to lose. Sienna says that Elisha has been trying to get back at her but has failed so far. She has been trying to lure her to different parts of the school but Sienna has refused to take the bait, saying she will go later or sending someone else to check for her. She’s even ‘booby-trapped’ her locker by balancing a cup of coffee against the door but Sienna, being extremely cautious and also a genius, could smell the coffee and so managed to get Justin to open it for her and get covered in the hot drink. He then chased her around the school but, as I said, that girl can run. 

It’s only when I get to English class that Elisha tries to get me. I go to sit in my usual seat at the back of the class. I don’t really know anyone in my English class so I mostly just get on with the work and keep my head down. I see Elisha, Ariel and Lyla in the corner looking especially evil and that should warn me that they’re up to something but I just ignore them. As soon as the classroom is filled with students and the teacher is due to arrive any second, Elisha strides up to my desk and drops her books beside me. 

“Hey, mind if I sit here?” she asks too sweetly. I am so taken aback that I can’t object before she pulls out the seat next to me and sits down. Just then, Mr Grange walks in and I can’t switch desks. I’ve just fallen for her trap. I spend the whole lesson eyeing her suspiciously and waiting for some prank to come but nothing happens. We study a poem and begin to write an essay on it. I am half-way through my first paragraph when I feel a nudge on my elbow.

“Melody! Stop copying me! You should be doing your own work!” Elisha whispers a little too loud so that everyone in the class spins round to give me a dirty look. 

“I wasn’t copying-” I try to defend myself but she interrupts me. 

“It’s okay if you don’t understand, you can just ask me but cheating won’t help you learn,” she says like a little saint. I feel slightly sick, realising that this is the trap. I try to turn my back on her as much as possible as I continue writing but she’s not done toying with me yet. 

“Melody, I told you not to copy! Can you please stop?” she says a bit louder than last time, causing Mr Grange to look up from his marking. 

“Stop it! I’m not copying!” I protest but am told to be quiet by the teacher. I start to panic, wondering if there is any way that I can prove my innocence. Then Elisha stands up and starts shouting. 

“For goodness sake, Melody! Stop copying me! Why can’t you just do your own work?!” she shrieks at me. My cheeks burn red and I know I look so guilty but I just don’t know what to do. She has cornered me. 

“Is there a problem, Elisha?” Mr Grange asks sternly. She looks close to tears - the little liar. 

“It’s just that everytime I write something, Melody just leans over and copies me. I mean, I don’t mind if she needs help but it’s not fair if she takes credit for my work,” she lies, looking so very innocent. Mr Grange turns to me and frowns. 

“Melody, is this true?” he demands. I shake my head. 

“I promise I’m not copying. You can compare our work! I’m definitely not copying her!” I try to convince him, relieved that I have found a way of proving her wrong. As I pass him my essay and Elisha does the same, his frown deepens. I’m confused - I wasn’t copying her. Shouldn’t that be obvious? 

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