Chapter 10

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A/N: I would just like to apologise in advance because in this chapter I have attempted to write about American Football. I know literally nothing about American Football and spent a while on Wikipedia trying to understand it but I still don't think I get it! To anyone who knows about the sport: this may be inadvertently the most hilarious chapter you ever read. Have fun!

I would also like to thank @Broadwaygurl88 for all her support and lovely comments, as well as being one of my favourite authors on Wattpad! And also to @BroadwayIsFabulous for being generally lovely! :) Hope you enjoy this chapter!


Ok, so maybe I was being a bit melodramatic earlier. I’m a drama queen, what do you expect? I may not die alone but I do feel so lonely without Sam. Every day, I frantically check my phone in case he has texted me but he never does. It feels like there is a great big hole in my life without him and I can’t help but feel so empty inside. 

I shove my books in my locker after yet another physics lesson of watching Elisha fawn over him. I know I’ve said it a million times but I really don’t know what he sees in her. She’s fake and deceitful and is only using him like a ‘trophy boyfriend’. He deserves so much better. 

“Hey, Melody.” I freeze, recognizing his voice immediately. Slowly, I shut my locker door to see Sam smiling at me apologetically. I smile back. 

“Hey.” There is an awkward pause as we both decide what to say. 

“I’m sorry about last week,” I say quickly, “I was way out of line and-”

“No, I’m sorry!” He cuts me off. “I was a total jerk to you and I deserved everything I got.” The memory of our kiss flutters in my mind but I cast it aside. 

“Do you think we could just start over?” he asks, looking so genuinely sorry that I cannot possibly be angry at him for another second. 

“Sure,” I agree, shaking the hand he offers me, “I’d like that.” He smiles even wider as we start to walk down the corridor side by side like we always do. 

“You know, I never realised how much we talk and text until this week. My phone inbox has been looking pretty lonely since we weren’t talking,” he jokes. Is he saying that he missed me? I blush a little. 

“I know, this week felt so boring without you!” I reply. “I have so much to fill you in on!” He suddenly gasps as he remembers something. 

“I can’t believe I almost forgot to tell you!” he gushes with excitement. “I got promoted!” 

“I didn’t know you had a job!” I exclaim. He laughs and shakes his head. 

“I don’t. I got promoted on the football team! You’re looking at the new quarterback!” he proudly announces. 

“That’s amazing! I’m so proud of you!” I squeal, giving him a hug. Now that we’ve decided to be just friends it doesn’t feel as weird to hug him. At least this time we don’t pull away awkwardly. 

“Thanks,” he laughs, looking a bit embarrassed from all the attention. “Hey, I know! Why don’t you come to our next game? To celebrate our friendship!” he suggests. 

“Are you sure Elisha won’t mind?” I ask doubtfully. I can’t imagine her being okay with her boyfriend asking another girl to come see his football game. 

“Oh yeah,” he remembers with dismay. “Well, if you bring a couple of friends and just blend into the crowd she’ll barely notice you. She’ll be busy with her cheerleading for most of the time. Why don’t you bring Cassie and Sienna? They seem nice.” 

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