Chapter 25

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As I come down the stairs, I catch sight of Jenna sorting through what I can only assume is her fan-mail, given that most of the letters are scrawled on bright pink paper. She looks up as I approach and holds up the letters with an exasperated look.

“Seriously, how do they find me?!” she complains, stuffing them all in an envelope and addressing it to her agent. “How were your friends?” she asks casually.

“They were fine…” I say uncomfortably. Jenna looks up questioningly, sensing that something is wrong. “I found out that the guy I’m in love with has started dating a total bitch the day after I left.” 

“Wow, that really sucks,” she says quietly after a short pause. “Are you alright?” 

“I think so. I don’t really know how I feel right now,” I reply, not meeting her eye and trying not to burst into tears again.

“Do you want to buy a huge tub of ice cream and watch rom-coms all night?” she suggests. I give her a confused look. “What? Isn’t that what high school girls do when their boyfriends break up with them?” she protests innocently. 

“Um, usually only in movies,” I explain, stifling giggles, “and he was never my boyfriend.” She looks a little deflated but quickly recovers. “Actually, I was going to meet someone,” I try to say as casually as I can. 

“Who?” she blurts out in disbelief. 


There is a long pause as she tries to take this in, then she seems to compose herself and regains the ability to speak. 

“Are you sure that’s what you want?” she asks carefully. I think about it but I can’t seem to work out what I want. I can’t decide if I’m only doing this on the rebound or if I actually like Austin. But then, when he asked me this morning I nearly said yes even before I knew about Sam and… you know who. 

“Yeah, this is what I want,” I say decisively. Jenna nods slowly and bites her lip as if restraining herself from saying something. 

“Just…be careful,” is all she manages. I give her a strange look. 

“It’s not like I’m going to meet some psychotic murderer. It’s just Austin,” I remind her with amusement. 

“Yeah, I guess,” she replies as if she’s not entirely convinced. I wonder why she’s acting so weirdly but before I can ask her anything, she starts making her way back up the stairs. “Well, have fun!” she calls back, “And don’t forget to reapply lipgloss!” she adds as an afterthought. 

My chest aches slightly as I remember Sienna telling me this before my date with Sam but I force this memory away and concentrate on what I’m doing. I check my phone and find a text from Austin telling me where he is and saying he’s looking forward to seeing me. I blush at the last bit and drop my phone into my bag before walking out of the hotel to meet my date. 


I find the bar tucked away down a side alley in downtown LA. It’s dark inside with sleek black tables and leather seats with a a bar sweeping across one side of it. Pop music thumps in the background and, as I walk in, the air conditioning breezes through my hair like in a shampoo commercial. I catch sight of Kassidy and Dakota tucked into a booth in the corner, fawning over two tall tanned guys who look like models. Wow, I really don’t belong here, I think to myself seeing how everyone in here looks absolutely gorgeous. 

Then my eyes fall on Austin, relaxing at the bar and watching me with a smile. I smile back and walk over to him. 

“Hey stranger,” he greets me as I slip into the seat next to him as gracefully as possible but nearly fall off as I realise they’re higher than I originally thought. “I’m glad you found me alright,” he says smoothly and I nearly forget to reply I’m so mesmerised by him. 

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