Chapter 23

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With every click of my heels on the marble stairs, my heart beats a little faster as I prepare myself to meet the rest of the cast. I try to calm down, telling myself that they might like me and they might be much friendlier than Jenna has been so far. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, though, I realise how unlikely this is. Jenna strides ahead confidently but I hover in the entrance. After taking a deep breath and giving myself a mental pep-talk, I follow my roommate over to a table in the corner. 

I identify Kassidy and Austin but next to them sit a boy and girl, neither of whom I recognise. Jenna slips into the seat next to the boy, leaving one seat next to Austin. 

“Hey, Jen,” Austin greets her, “I didn’t see you come in. You look smokin’,” he remarks, gazing at her outfit and smirking. She slaps him on the arm.

“Shut up, Austin. That’s not going to work on me,” she growls, scowling at her empty plate. I slide into the seat next to her, hoping to go unnoticed but Austin spots me immediately. 

“And who’s this little hottie?” he asks, giving me a wink. I blush and look away, knowing if I try to speak I will say something stupid. 

“Oh yeah,” Jenna remembers, “Everyone, this is Melody. Melody, this is everyone,” she mumbles, pointing vaguely in my direction. All eyes turn to face me and I blush an even deeper shade of red. 

“Your name’s Melody?” Kassidy repeats trying but failing to hide a smirk. 

“Uh, yeah,” I answer timidly. 

“Like that kid in The Little Mermaid?” she asks with a little too much interest that makes me suspect that she is making fun of me. The Little Mermaid 2, I want to correct her but I don’t need to give her any more reason to hate me. 

“Uh, yeah. I guess so,” I reply with a nervous laugh. 

“I hated that film,” she states bluntly and continues to pick at her food. I just stare at her, trying to make sense of what just happened. 

“Don’t mind her,” Austin says in a husky voice, slipping his arm around my shoulders. I look over at Jenna in panic but she just smirks and starts filing her nails. 

“So this is your first film?” he asks me. I nod, temporarily unable to speak. “You don’t talk much, do you?” he says with obvious amusement. 

“I guess not,” I answer, trying to shrug his arm off my shoulders but instead he seems to tighten his grip. 

“Come on Austin, don’t smother her on her first day,” Jenna reprimands him from across the table. His arm lingers for a second as he looks deep into my eyes, making me nearly collapse, then shifts back in his seat. Just as he moves away, I catch Kassidy glaring at me as if I’ve done something to offend her but as soon as Austin and I are separated she looks away. 

“Well go on, Jenna. Aren’t you going to get mermaid girl something to eat?” Kassidy prompts with a sickly sweet smile. I’m not sure I approve of being referred to as ‘mermaid girl’ but I don’t say anything. Jenna lets out a sigh, snatches my plate along with hers and stalks away to the buffet table, glaring at Kassidy. Austin notices me looking and leans over. 

“Those two have history,” he murmurs in my ear. “This is the seventh film they’ve worked on together and it’s always a competition as to who gets the best part. I guess Kassidy got it this time and that’s why Jenna’s in such a bad mood.” 

I think over what he has said, watching Jenna pile food onto the two plates and Kassidy chatting at the speed of light to the girl next to her. 

“Who’s Kassidy’s friend?” I ask Austin. He rolls his eyes.

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