Chapter 33

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When I wake up on Saturday morning, the uneasiness I felt the night before still lingers a little but by the time I have gotten up, chosen an outfit (with Jenna’s assistance by text, of course) and met up with my two best friends at the mall, I have forgotten all about it. Cassie and Sienna drag me through the mall with almost superhuman strength past all the clothes stores until we reach a gorgeous store with a breath-taking display of elegant dresses in the windows. 

“Here it is,” Sienna breathes, practically shaking with excitement. “Now let’s go try on everything.” 

A bell jingles as we enter the store and I immediately notice how quiet and relaxed it feels inside, like a peaceful haven amidst all the noise and bustle of the rest of the mall. The interior of the store is as elegant as the dresses it sells with chandeliers dripping with crystals, a plush carpet and ornate floor-length mirrors positioned in each corner. The best thing, however, is the fact that the walls are lined with racks of beautiful gowns in every size, shape, length, colour and style imaginable. Being in here, I feel like how Elphaba and Glinda must feel when they visit the Emerald City and it takes a lot of self-restraint not to start singing ‘One Short Day’ as I take in my surroundings. 

“Excited about prom dress shopping yet?” Cassie asks playfully, linking her arm with mine. 

“I’m starting to see the appeal, yes,” I answer solemnly before we both burst into laughter. 

“Can I help you girls?” a friendly voice inquires from behind us. We all spin around to find a small woman probably in her fifties with wavy blonde hair and a warm smile. She has an artistic look about her that reminds me a little of Lavinia from the film set, although if this was Oz, this woman would be the Good Witch of the North and Lavinia would be the Wicked Witch of the West. “Let me guess, is it your prom coming up soon?” 

“This time next week,” Sienna confirms with a huge smile. 

“Excellent,” she beams back, “So if you want to come into this area, I can help you one by one to find exactly what you want.” 

Cassie and I sink into a couch by the fitting rooms while Sienna describes her perfect dress to the attendant. Before long, she is bustling into one of the rooms with her arms full of flowing red material. 

“So, have you decided what sort of dress you want?” Cassie asks me suddenly, shifting in her seat to face me excitedly. I blink at her for a second, taken aback by the abruptness of her question, before answering. 

“Uh, not really…” I admit sheepishly. “I guess I don’t have a clear idea like you and Sienna have.” 

“That’s okay,” Cassie replies brightly, “We’ve got plenty of time for you to work out what you want. When you find the right one, you’ll just know,” she tells me wisely, sounding more like she’s giving dating advice than shopping advice. I return her smile but still feel a little uneasy. When I look around at the dresses on the hangers I think they’re beautiful but somehow I just can’t imagine them looking good on me. At this moment, Sienna emerges from the dressing room with a triumphant look on her face.

“It’s the one,” she declares in a dramatic whisper that would make me laugh if I wasn’t completely speechless. She looks breathtaking in the elegant crimson that flows down to the ground and pools around her feet. The straps are decorated with glittering silver beads that make her look impossibly elegant and the whole thing just screams ‘Sienna’: shocking, beautiful, loud and classy. 

“Oh my god,” Cassie manages after a moment of stunned silence. 

“What do you think?” Sienna asks hopefully. 

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