chapter 1 Korra's pov

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I woke up with a pain in my neck and my legs. Looks like I overdid it again training with Tenzin, god I'm so dumb. I changed into my traditional water tribe get up. I paused at the mirror and gave myself a once over "I won't lie I look damn good" i said with a cocky grin. Oh god I'm turning into my ex boyfriend, Mako this is horrible.

I suddenly hear a knock at the door. "Um Naga are we expecting anyone? " I asked my big fluffy polar bear dog. Her response was a bark. I quickly prepared a fireball and yelled at the door. "Whoever is there better make like a tree and leave before you gotta deal with the Avatar!" A frightened noise alerted me it was a female.

Wait is it possible no it couldn't be... but maybe... "Korra Can I come in or are you completely paranoid" The voice continued. Oh god now I'm sure I know THAT voice. "Uhhh 'Sami? Is that you tryin to scare the complete Raava out of me?" A gorgeous laughed followed by a beautiful voice told me my answer. "Yes , Korra it's me can I come in now?" I grinned wider than the distance between my parents and republic city. I opened the door and nearly fainted.

Taking her beauty in on my doorstep. Long black hair that reached down her back gorgeous green eyes red lipstick slim but fit figure and of course dressed in Sato industries jacket red pants and heels with shock glove in hand. Except hold on her facial expression was blushing?! I took the moment to realize that my hair wasn't in its wolf tails. I blushed and quickly stammered out a greeting.

She walked into my humble home. Naga saw her and immediately pushed her down. I had to smile at this great Naga approved of my crush. "Naga up girl I'm sure Asami didn't come here to get pinned to our floor by a polar bear dog" I said with a chuckle helping Naga off the lovely Asami. "Haha actually Korra I came here because I have something I've been meaning to tell you" she blushed again and started swaying her figure back and forth. A million things were running through my head what the spirits did she want to tell me. "Korra I I I ...I Like you!" My heart skyrocketed into my throat holy spirits this couldn't be happening.

Andddd Cliffhanger! Give me your thoughts on if it should stay cute or get better?

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