chapter 15 korra's pov

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Before I launch into this I just want to explain why I update at the most random times rn I'm desperate to get my mind off the fact that my mother might have just ruined my chance to get my ex girlfriend back she thinks if I date her again I'll be all antisocial she doesn't quite get that I've grown as a human being so yea its whatever basically texted her to stop talking to me .. Ugh anyway enough of my problems back to this extremely long story that I keep updating because y'all like it so much

I just got a chill up my spine what is asami gonna do exactly? She said this wasn't over yet. Raava what was I thinking messing with asami fucking sato. But likely it'll just be something equally as embarrassing as what I did to her. She can't possibly be gutsy enough to do anything too over the top. Or maybe she can honestly Im hoping she can't.

"Korrrraaaa" I hear her sing song from next to the car. Welp guess we'll find out right? How bad can it possibly be? I get into her sato mobile and immediately glance at her she's smirking.

"What's with the smirk 'Sami? " I dared to ask. Her smirk grows wider and she leans over to my ear. I hear the faintest whisper and immediately turn red. She didn't just say that she isn't really oh shit.

She leans over again and whispers the same words "hey korra I'm going commando ~". HOW can she say that with a straight faced smirk! I feel the heat radiating off my core.

"WHY" I beg her to stop. She finally starts the car and starts driving to my house. I wipe at a nervous sweat on my cheek. I was truly scared for a moment there.

Red light well okay thats not a long wait and - WHAT is SHE doing!? I turn quickly to see asami biting my ear. "Owwwww" I mewl out it hurts so much. She lightly kisses the tip of my ear.

The light turns green she starts moving again. That really hurt well if that's the least of my problems I think I can handle it. Another RED light WHAT THE FUCK republic CITY. She glances to me with a devious smile.

Oh this can't be good. I don't look I shut my eyes but I feel fingers slip up my shirt instantly. God what is this girl doing to me. Her hand starts to go higher.

She wouldn't she couldn't not that not here not in front of these people!? She grabs my breast I bite my lip to hold in the wishing to escape moan. She's evil pure fucking evil. The light is green again once again she drives.

Oh thank God this is almost over it can't possibly get worse. We're almost there just one more street. One more turn and then I'm free.

The light that was green seconds ago changes to red. Oh FUCK YOU LIGHT FUCK YOU. Another devious smile fingers up my shirt again. What else can she possibly do.

Smile turns into an evil grin, green eyes cloud with sudden lust. SHE wouldn't asami please don't im begging you I give her a pleading look. Her hand starts to slide down into my pants. Light turn green turn green turn green.

Nothing the light remains red. I feel her hand in a place it should not be right now and yet it is there. I can't help it anymore I moan in pure ecstasy. The guy next to us starts eyeing us like a creep. I see his hand slide down and bounce up her hand still in my pants suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

Asami notices my sudden look of discomfort and looks to the guy in his car. He smiles at her hand still lowered. She thinks for a moment.
Then keeps looking at him and moves her fingers inside me causing me to moan once more. Then flips him off quickly with the other hand.

Just in Time for the light to turn green I watch as his face turns pale. Haha that'll teach the dirty perverted fuck. But god asami definitely got revenge ten fold I mean doing that in public was just cruel. She moves her hand and opens the door on my side.

Oh we're here well I did say one turn. She smiles at me I blush. I get out and walk with her to my door. But before I can go inside she grabs my wrist and spins me into a kiss. So soft her lips are so soft. And just as fast as it began it ends she hops back in her car blows me a kiss and a wink then drives off.

Fuck that got a bit intense sorry sorry I'm gay what do ya expect

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