chapter 12 asami's pov

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Its been about 20 minutes since mako left and korra oh sweet korra kind of fell asleep after our tickle match. Actually she's drooling on my future industries jacket its gross but I dont really care cuz its korra. If I ever see mako again he better run as fast as he can. I can only imagine what korra's thinking about. Where does he get off anyway I know korra sure she's not the brightest in every situation but damn it she tries.

"Asami" a tired avatar groans into my chest. My heart flutters at the sound of her voice. Why does she do this to me? Does she even want to go public with our relationship wait what is our relationship? I realized neither of us had really brought that topic up sure we liked each other but did we want to be a couple?

As if to reassure me korra nuzzles her face into my chest and squeezes me. She can read me like a book even while she's sleeping. Geez what was I even worried about I trust korra we'll talk about it when it comes to that. I have nothing to fear because the avatar is well right here. My heart knew all along but I was too stubborn to listen.

Korra started snoring her drool still hitting my jacket. Some would find this utterly disgusting but I know she can't help it. I grab a napkin from the box and dab at her drool not on my jacket but on her mouth. Because when she wakes up she'll probably be apologetic about it. I can practically picture her talking about how sorry she is for ruining my favorite jacket and how she wouldn't blame me if I made her walk home.

I giggled at the thought and korra heard so her eye opened. "What's so funny 'Sami " she said with a bemused smile. "Oh nothing just imagining what you'll say when you realize you've been drooling on my arm the last 20 minutes" I say with another laugh. She shoots up out of her position and glances down at my arm. "oh my raava I'm so sorry asami its just your so comfortable and warm and soft and I guess it felt alot like my bed so I just started sleeping like I do at home I really hope your not mad I mean you have every right to be but even still I-" I cut her off and placed my hand over her still moving mouth.
"Its okay korra I'm not mad far from it actually " I said with a small smile.

She blushed under my gaze and gently removed my hand from her mouth. "Y-your not?" "Of course not" "it's just mako always got mad" I put my hand back over her mouth. "I'm not mako though am I korra?" She shook her head no with a flustered expression. "Good now what would you like to do before I drive you home?" She thought about it for a moment and removed my hand again. "Well do you still have your pool?" "Of course " "may we swim in it" I laughed at how shy and awkward she was being.

"yes korra we can swim in my pool" She pumped her fist in the air and shouted "ALRIGHT!". It was actually extremely cute but I would've felt bad teasing her. So I just offered up another small laugh in turn receiving an adorable lopsided grin. We ran towards the direction of my pool. She was looking over the edge excitedly so I did what any person would do. I kicked her in she shrieked and then popped back up pouting at me.

"That wasn't very nice Asami" she said still pouting. I climbed in next to her and put my hands on her sides. "What wasn't?" I said acting as if nothing happened. "you kicked me into the pool!" She shouted out with a blush evident on her face. "Oh that ? That wasn't me must've been the wind" "the wind can't get me indoors 'Sami" "really are you sure you didn't run too fast and fall in?" ".. No.." "Climb out and do it again then" "..ok.." She climbed out of the pool and came back. This time I tripped her while she ran and she fell right into my arms.

"Now I know it was you asami" "maybe it was maybe it wasn't" I said with a smirk. She pushed me against the wall of the pool. "Admit you did it" "did what?" "Kicked then tripped me" "why I'd never" She gave me a look pressing me deeper into the wall. "Not gonna confess?" "Nothing to confess to" She closed the gap between us and kissed me roughly I might add. I dug my nails into her back. She bit down on my lip and caused me to let out a soft moan.

"So did you do it?" "Mmm yes" "thought so" She said swimming far to the other side of the pool. Breaking me out of my trance I swam after her. "Korra slow down!" I yelled out trying to keep up. "NEVER!!" She shouted back like a child. "Korra!" I yelled again getting left behind. "Nope!" She yelled back.

Korra is very childish xD be prepared for another update soon I love doing these

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