chapter 21 korra's pov

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First off let me just apologize for no updates I'm doing a lot better honestly but I recently got a part time job at a warehouse and my legs just die after my shift and I've been playing a lot of ensemble stars and love live so I'm sorry

I squealed as we fell back onto my bed. Asami was the first to laugh and I guess I just kinda joined in. We stayed like that for the longest time just laying there next to each other laughing like two crazy kids. It felt right being there with her.

At some point I don't know when but I found my self looking over to her just staring at the beautiful girl next to me. And she looked right at me and stuck her tongue out. Making a silly noise and continuing to laugh. "Since when are you so childish miss sato" "pft please call me asami miss sato was my father" ".." "I mean mother!" I start laughing uncontrollably at the unintentional shot fired at her dad.

I feel two slender but firm arms grab me by the waist and a chilling whisper in my ear. Sending my heart up my throat. "korra" just having her say my name this close to me is giving me ... some kind of feeling I can't describe without it sounding weird.

"Mm baby come on talk to me" I blush at the nickname. "We've been dating like 2 days sato" "so ? Your mine " "am I now" I feel her nails dig into my hips.  Watching as a smirk finds its way to her ruby red lips. God I wanna kiss her.

"Yea you are unless you've got an objection to that miss avatar" Finally I can be suave! I pull her into my arms releasing her firm grip on my... everything. Then flash a signature charming smile that within seconds has her blushing and dazed. "No complaints here~" She blushes more at my sudden charm.

"Oh stop it you" I smirk at her staring directly into shining emeralds. "Make me" I've never seen asami look so ravenous so fast. In two minutes I'm down on the bed once again. As she sits on my chest straddling me.

"Careful with your words avatar" I gulp at the seduction tactic. "God I wish we'd started dating sooner" "oh yea cuz nobody caught us eye fucking every chance there was?" "In my defense I thought you were just being friendly" ".. "

She grabs my jaw and pulls my chin toward her. "Honey nothing about this is friendly". She then bites down on my bottom lip dragging it between her teeth. Before planting a steamy kiss to my lips. I mentally squealed in delight.

"Thank raava for that" I mutter under my breath earning a beautiful smile. She lays repetitive kisses to my cheek making me giggle underneath her. "Sami stop it that tickles" Another smile "what you meannnn". She kisses me on my cheek again "this?".

"Your evil sato" "your cute avatar" I blush making her grin. "Hey sato" "mhm?" "Why always avatar or korra or babe?" "You never mentioned having a last name so I assume you don't" "its kind of complicated" "isn't everything?" I smile at how well she gets me. She smiles back making my heart skip.

Update there happy?

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