chapter 27 Korra's pov

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Before I dive into this I'm not planning on keeping up this particular fic forever and it's been a while so please forgive me if I'm rusty. I'll explain more once I finish this chapter haha.

Things have been going great with Asami. We both have been closer than ever. Though we do have to fend off the occasional stupid ex boyfriend. It's Mako, it's always Mako. I can never seem to stop myself from talking about her, she just makes me so crazy. But not like in a I wanna rule the world and cause mass destruction kinda way, cuz ya know protector of the people. Just crazy in love the more I'm with her.

Whenever I'm having a rough day because let's face it being the avatar is absolutely exhausting, she's there for me. I mean, I'm tough and all and can definitely hold my own but, it can still be really frustrating sometimes. We're by no means a perfect couple. We fight just like anyone else but at the end of the day I wouldn't trade what we have for the world. I love Asami with all my heart. I wonder how I could ever overlook someone so incredible in favor of well, Mako. He's not the worst guy in the world but he still can be a real pain. He was and still isn't totally on board with Asami and I being a thing.

Every time he tells me it won't work out I just scoff and walk away. He isn't the first person to try and make me have doubts. There are lots of people who think her and I don't belong together. Yet, when I look into her beautiful green eyes none of that matters. I can deal with the hateful words, the unwanted opinions, the backlash because I have someone like her. Someone who understands me even when I don't understand myself. Someone willing to fight tooth and nail to save me from my own mistakes. Someone who can still stand by my side even when I push everyone else away. I love that about her.


I run up to her door and knock as many times as I can. It doesn't take long for her to open the door. She looks at me with tired eyes and a small smile. "Hey beautiful!" I can't help but practically yell at her. She flinches away caught off guard by my sudden shout. I mouth a quiet "sorry" and she shuts the door behind me.

We plop down on the couch and both stare up at the ceiling. I glance over at her. She looks like she hasn't slept properly in days. Her hair is disheveled and she can barely keep her eyes open. I grab the blanket draped over her couch and pat my lap. She redirects her gaze toward me and slowly scoots over, resting her head where I patted. I tense a little not sure how to broach the subject.

She takes notice and nuzzles into me. I smile and take a breath. "So, how's work?" "Mm, its ok" "babe" "hm?" "You look like you haven't been sleeping, I'm worried about you" "I'm fine" A little irritated she brushed me off I pulled out my big move. A move so strong even Asami, no especially Asami can't resist. She glances in my direction to see I'm making my puppy dog eyes. Immediately her face flushes red and she tries to look the other way. I know she can't help it though it won't be much longer.

I jut my lip out more and stare at her. It's nearly impossible for her to escape. I have her right where I want her. So long as she doesn't get the chance to use her big move I'll win in a landslide. I continue to keep up the pressure and stare harder. I stare so hard and so sad I feel like my eyes are gonna burst.

Then I feel it. My stomach begins to growl. It's been hours since I had breakfast and I'm craving something to eat. I hold my stomach trying to quiet it down. If I stop my assault for even a moment it'll be too late. The more I try to stall my hunger the worse it gets. It feels like my stomach has suddenly grown arms and they're punching me in all directions. I let out a small groan.

Asami stops shielding her eyes and smirks in my direction. Well we had a good run. She quickly turns the tables.  I feel her fingers dancing along my skin. Her nails digging into my side. All I can see is that smirk. She knows it's all over and I'm done for. And with one swift motion her lips crash into mine. The sensation making me feel almost dizzy.

Then that laugh I'm all too familiar with, "better luck next time, Avatar". I pout and get up to solve my hunger issue. Walking into the kitchen I notice Asami is low on food. Which means she's likely been ordering out. I sigh and grab my phone. I order a pizza half pep half cheese. This is just a temporary solution as I do plan to take her food shopping tomorrow. "I keep telling you to watch out for yourself the last thing I need is my girlfriend winding up in the hospital" "I know but-" "no buts you've been overdoing it again and need a break" "babe-" "tomorrow we're going to buy all new groceries so I don't have to worry about you eating junk" "okay"

I peck her on the forehead. We watch old movies and cuddle till the pizza arrives. When it does we sit down and dig in. I clean a piece of sauce off Asami's lip with my thumb. She blushes clearly embarrassed for being such a messy eater. "Okay maybe I was rather hungry as well" "maybe?" She shoves me and glares at me for my comment. "Love you" "yea yea love you too"

So now onto the why it took so long. Oh boy. Okay so when I started this comic I was in a long term toxic relationship. That ended back in 2017. Since my graduation from highschool I've been working and going to college. I'm currently almost done my second year and will be entering my junior year in January. In the last 2  years I've : completely cut off my ex stating I will never date her again, gone on a ton of crummy dates, had a big fight with an acquaintance, lost one of my cats to cancer, wrecked my first car, been dumped by a girl I'd been seeing for 10 months, and started going back on crummy dates. I've also been to nyc and seen wicked on Broadway (it was a university trip). I never know what to do when I think of updating this line when is that good cut off point which is why it's at chapter 27 now maybe 28? I dunno we'll see. I'm sorry for making everyone wait so long though unfortunately my life has been a complete trainwreck. Hopefully I can stay consistent this time but I can't make any promises. Enjoy the update if you're still reading! -V

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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